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Dynamic change of Gfx settings when inside major cities?


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Hello everyone,


I was wondering if it is possible to make a mod/skse-type plugin that auto-adjusts your graphic settings, primarily actor, object and item fade distances, when entering specific cells (mainly cities), and reverts them upon leaving. I use a bunch of npc mods alongside a Dawn + JK's compatibility for most of my cities and even though most of the time the fps sits around 50 (mostly with max settings), in some places it drops to 15 or so. From what I understand, a lot of it has to do with the fact that skyrim does not have a very good system for handling a lot of objects, however turning down the actor/object/item fade distance from max to half does alleviate the problem quite a bit (from 15 to 33 fps in one spot). Is this possible to engineer?

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