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Ammo Mod, Assistance Needed


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Good day people of Nexus,


As the title states, I would love to have some help or guidance regarding, making an ammo mod for personal use.


To tell you the truth, I'm new to modding and I had intentions on ammunition to make my game play more enjoyable. (I just love guns) Though I have experimented with GECK and so far I'm able to make my custom ammos, recipes, and they can work using my guns. The problem is, I'm having trouble with the 'impact script', the added effect an ammo would have against an enemy.


I was able to use the Cryo Effect, of a very popular mod, no problems there. Though I'm having problems with the Incendiary and Poison effect, I know I'm using the wrong impact script or even the inappropriate ones.


So I ask, are there any tutorials or ways to make a script for the ammo effects? (I know this would be difficult to understand and do)

and if not, can I just use other resources for 'scripts', like the one I used for the Cryo Effect? Do I need the mod to be active (used in the load order) for it to work? Or can I leave it inactive since it won't be needed anymore?


I know that this is a selfish request but I just want to improve the flavor I'm having on my game play. Please. Thanks in advance.


Edited by ekerisa
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