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DUST for Skyrim


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If anyone here still plays Fallout: NV, then they may be familiar with the mod known as DUST.





This mod turns the normal game into a post-post-apocalyptic survival horror sandbox, in which most of the factions have collapsed, the Tunnellers rule the night, and anarchy reigns supreme once more. There is no way to "win" DUST, only survive for another day. I had a lot of fun playing the mod and hope someone could create a similar mod for Skyrim. So, here are my ideas for DUST's fantasy counterpart, ICE.


The setting is after the death of the Dragonborn. With no champion to protect them, Skyrim fell prey to a race of Daedra known as the Cold Ones, who stalk a barren, frozen landscape below a cloudy, sunless sky. Nothing grows above ground, and fertile soil is worth it's weight in gold. If there was any civilization left to put a price on it, anyways. The cities of Nords, standing proud above the wilderness, are nothing but ruins now, and foul beasts stalk in decrepit alleyways. The Mage's College was torn down by rioting citizens as they failed to protect the land from the ice-shrouded monstrosities that walk the world. The Companions tore themselves apart in a schism, and the survivors once more bear the curse of the Wolf, feared throughout the land as monstrous cannibals. The Thieves Guild fell apart, as no jewels hold value in a world coming apart at the seams. The Dark Brotherhood vanished as the Cold Ones arrived. Stendarr's Vigilants fight a failing, suicidal battle against the enemy, throwing themselves against the endless tide of ice and claws. The Empire has walled off the borders, seeking to contain the disaster. They kill anyone who tries to escape, for fear the Undying Winter shall be brought with them. The Stormcloaks have abandoned the high goals they have striven for, and many ex-soldiers can be found alongside larger groups of survivors, selling their blade for a loaf of bread and a seat at the fire.


Alduin and his ilk sought to cover the world in flame. Instead, Skyrim is doomed to a lingering, freezing demise.

This is the world of ICE. There is no winning, only surviving another day.

Basic ideas for the mod


-Weather is always overcast with thunder in the clouds. Blizzards are common. The sun never appears.


-The Cold Ones are the main antagonists. Basically, take the meshes of creatures, and make an ice-infused equivalent. bonus points if the non-icey textures are decomposed flesh. The Undying Winter is the collective term for the Cold Ones, and the magic that surrounds them, turning the world into an endless frozen wasteland. Some even say the two are one and the same, the land and the monsters just the barest protrusions of a living, malevolent force that does both exists and does not exists on Nirn, but surrounds and pervades all that it's puppets corrupt.


-Much like the original DUST, there is no main quest, and many characters are now deceased. The survivors you will find would be walking from one area to another across the wilderness, constantly trying to avoid the Cold Ones. Areas they could permanently reside in could be abandoned castles or camps. They could come in two types. Wandering groups of weaker peoples using teamwork to survive, or one or two solitary, weathered loners with high level gear. Whether they will be friend or foe is will be randomly determined.


-The old cities themselves could be dangerous dungeons, filled with high level Cold Ones.


-If there are going to be cities they should be underground, as nothing grows on the surface.


-Food will be very scarce. Due to the collapse of society, few people retain their farming lifestyle, opting to scavenge and steal rather than become an easy target for raiders and daedra.


-In addition to Cold Ones, the normal foul beasts of Skyrim now roam unchecked. While the Undying Winter holds sway during the daylight hours, night is when you may see many beasts who used to live only in caves. Falmer, automatons, draugr, vampires, and other creatures normally found in caves will now roam the surface after the sun sets.


-Because food is scarce, people need to make difficult choices. Food items can now be harvested from the bodies of humanoids and other normally inedible monsters. I hope you don't mind the taste of Falmer...


-Forges are either incredibly rare or non-existent. Stone or bone weaponry is prevalent now, with metal artefacts being highly sought after. the same applies for metal armors.


-The Dragons that weren't killed by the Dovahkiin now serve the Cold Ones as twisted aberrations of rotting flesh and frozen hide. They soar through the skies, seeking mortals to call the horde upon. If a Frozen Dragon sees you, your best strategy is to hide, for if the beast sees you he will call all the Cold Ones in the area straight to you.



Welp that's all I have for this mod. If someone who's actually good at modding wants to help me out, I'd be more than willing to do whatever I could to assist!

Edited by Nexusaurus
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