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Nifskope - Mesh outlines / Nodes not showing


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Hey there!


I am having an issue when loading a NIF: the model shows up fine, as well as the textures, and I can edit the model and do everything just fine, but the white UV outlines on the model do not show up when I select the mesh (see album below).

Also, when I select a node on the model, the dot and the line connected to it don't show up.


- It happens with every model, both ones originally extracted from the game files, and edited ones.

- When I click on the model to select the mesh, it doesn't show up either.

- It makes no difference whether there's a texture on the model or not.


Here's an imgur album with screenshots of the issue: https://imgur.com/gallery/FOmp4/


I also added screenshots of the settings menu, maybe you can spot something that looks off.


I'd appreciate if someone can share insight into the inner mysteries of the program or just tell me I'm a retard.

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- In the Menu > Render > check Draw Nodes

- In the Settings Colors option: choose a very distinct lite color for the Foreground and Highlight (Like green and yellow for example).


- Don't enable Material Color Overrides. (It won't be retained in the nif and will make your rendering very different from the game.)


Seeing that you're working with Skyrim nif I suggest to have a look at NifSkope 2 beta which have some improvement regarding Skyrim. (both versions can be installed together)


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- In the Menu > Render > check Draw Nodes

- In the Settings Colors option: choose a very distinct lite color for the Foreground and Highlight (Like green and yellow for example).


- Don't enable Material Color Overrides. (It won't be retained in the nif and will make your rendering very different from the game.)


Seeing that you're working with Skyrim nif I suggest to have a look at NifSkope 2 beta which have some improvement regarding Skyrim. (both versions can be installed together)




Thank you very much for answer! I also asked the question in the NifSkope forums, and someone pointed out that theForeground and Highlight colors were transparent, for some reason. Thanks to both of you!

(Here's the other forum post: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=6265&p=31676#p31675)

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