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ENB blackout on startup...


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I'm trying to use SubtleSunShine ENB. I copied over the injector binaries, overrode them with SSS files, made sure the injector.ini was correct, loaded the injector.exe, and then started the game, but every time I do so, it starts loading, almost gets to the main menu, and then it very briefly closes and reopens the window, and it's solid black. I then have to open the task manager, and repeatedly mash on my mouse and keyboard to get the game to close.


Anything I'm doing wrong?


(EDIT:) Here are my computer specs:

I'm running windows 10


AMD FX-6300


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660


8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 803MHz


Gigabyte 970A-DS3P motherboard

Edited by GiveitaTaunderbolt
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