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Cursed Enchantments (and related ideas)


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Hey everyone,


i was woundering if it would be possible for someone to find or do a relatively simple mod, that allowed me to use my enchanting skills to place DETRIMENTAL enchantments on armor and wearable items.

why so?


simple: because all proper dark mages can place curses onto items. this would open up a wholly new way of using enchanted items, pickpocketing, and completing certain missions or killing some enemies.

i believe this is a relatively simple mod to create, as the base idea shouldnt require more than a few tweaks in the Creation Kit. more advanced things, however, might be more complicated.


the original idea came, laugh all you want, from Harry Potter, in which from silly pranks to death attempts you can see curses at work, and Lord Voldemort is a master of them, successfully cursing many objects, among these his famous Horcruxes.


i am looking for something along the lines of 15-20 different curses, each able to do a specific thing on the wearer for as long as it is equiped. i have several ideas, raging from oddly amusing or annoying to outright murderous and perversed. such ideas include, for instance,


(X - non-lethal, XX - potentially lethal, XXX instant-death; + includes side effects; ++ includes multiple side-effects; +++ includes a permanent or "while wearing the item" side-effect; ! includes more than a single permanent side-effect.)


  • Inner Flame Curse: a curse that makes the wearer go into spontaneous combustion once, dealing very high damage (with potential to instant-kill weak NPCs) a single time and lingering fire damage for a few seconds; (XX+)
  • Statue Curse: a curse that paralizes the wearer for as long as the cursed item is worn; (X+++)
  • Tied Feet Curse: a hex that makes the wielder randomly fall over (entering ragdoll mode) (X+++)
  • Weakness Curse: a hex that slows down the enemy's movement and attack speed by 75%; (X!)
  • Mutiny Curse: a curse that makes everyone attack the wearer on sight; (XX+++)
  • Transformation Curse: a curse that transforms the wearer into an animal or monster PERMANENTLY, except in the case of the player. (if possible, there could be several different ones for specific animals? this is likely one of the hardest curses to program); (X+++)
  • Spontaneous Eruption: a curse that makes the target explode and die instantly upon wearing the cursed object; (XXX)
  • Glacier Veins Curse: a curse that randomly temporarily freezes an opponent solid and makes him take DoT; the effect repeats itself periodically for as long as the item is worn; the wearer is slightly slowed in both movement and attack speed. (XX++!)
  • Exhaustion Curse: a curse that makes an enemy lose all magicka and stamina and be unable to regenerate; (X!)
  • Infection Curse: a simple curse that adds a permanent slow DoT effect that can only be cured with a Potion of Cure Disease (basically would inflict a sickness that could kill you) (XX+)
  • Soul Shredding Curse: a very powerfull curse that would kill the wearer and store his soul in the closest soul gem; (XXX+++)
  • Enslaving Curse: overwrites the wearer's free will, forcing him to become a Follower to the creator of the object, the player. (X!)
  • Mind Erasing Curse: as well as enslaving the wearer, strips him of all magic-related skills (sets all magic skills to 0), reduces mana to 0, and kills the wearer once he or the enchanter removes the cursed item. (XXX!)
  • Panic Curse: when the wearer enters combat, becomes terrified and allways flees for as long as he is wearing the item. (XX+++)
  • among other curses. you should have an idea of what i am looking for right now.



this is the basic idea of the mod. if i had just these things, i would call it a day. however, if someone is willign to go forward with the idea, i have other ideas aswell.

among those ideas:


How to obtain these curses?

  • they could be looted from defeated Dragon Priests. each one could have a ring with a specific curse in its loot list.
  • another possibility is that they could be found in specific quest-related locations, such as in the Labyrinthian exit, right after killing Morokei;
  • perhaps they could be bought from certain vendors, like Tonilia from the Thieves Guild, or better yet, Babette from the Dark Brotherhood; the fence at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Sorcery the College of Winterhold could also sell these;
  • found scattered in Blackreach;
  • looted from Dremora;
  • looted from boss necromancers.

having these spawn as common loot doesnt seem like a good idea, since enchanters are not superbly abundant in Skyrim, and necromancers tend to invest more in sacrificing souls in exchange for power to the Ideal Masters and other daedra than making curses.


How to resist / counter these curses?

  • they could be level-based; some enchantments like Fear work that way. basically, enemies under level X would suffer the curse, enemies above level X would resist it fully;
  • they could be dependant on skill advancement; curses that influenced fire damage and such would deal far less damage on mages with a high Destruction skill; those that made enemies slower or trip over themselves would depend on Alteration; those that added diseases or debuffs related to vitality and regeneration could be related to Restoration skill, those that revolve around controlling the mind of the enemy are related to Illusion, and any and all related to instant-death for no physical reason, non-elemental damage and soul-related effects fall under the Conjuration tree.
  • I do not know if NPCs can have points in Enchanting, since it is a skill for an activity they can not practice; but this would likely be the simplest way to resist the curses: above level 50 instant-death curses do not kill, and any and all damage is reduced by skill level (ex. Enchanting level 20 means 20% reduction; level 100 means immunity to curses. i do not know if this is possible.)
  • there could simply be a Countercurse item that possessed an enchantment to SPECIFICALLY resist these curses. could be actually quite common, as a simple amulet or good-luck charm.


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  • 2 years later...

I kinda like idea for modification.


Imagine Thief with Enchanting skill who could kill other NPCs using pickpocketing cursed rings/items.


I would also see some enchantent items with both positive and negative effects (positive effect would be stronger than on other items from start, but also grants slight disadvantage on other aspects, those curses would happen more rare on late game, while still finding strong enchantments).


One of builds I had in mind was thief, who uses "False Gold" enchanted ring/necklace, to make NPC generate gold, then take gold using pickpocketing, and then take ring/necklace back to kill NPC.

Enchantment is in Wintermyst mod, wich was supose to give for player temporary gold, wich you would need to pay back for unequiping it. If you don't pay gold back (lack of gold and such) - you would just simply die.

Author said that enchantment WORKS on followers, so I assumed it could work also on other NPCs, but I didn't tested that yet... I'm playing now completly other build.

I could one day cheat just so I could check if that enchantment really would work... Killing people by taking from them gold made out of their souls? Sounds like nice buisnes idea.


What about making a spell, wich opens npc inventory (if it's not a follower, you would be in pickpocketing mode), wich would make it easier for you to spread curses? That would be nice addition not only for curses, but also for pickpocketing in general (altho that would take away any danger if you have perk for silent spells from illusion AND if you get caught you are out of range and NPC might as well not notice...).

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