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Basic Player Home with Armory that display weapons & armors by 'Jury Rigging' category


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First of all, i understand that the chance that anyone would pick this up is very slim to none especially with Fallout 4 nearing the release date.

However, someone with a decent modding experience & interest could probably put this together within a couple of hours.

I would like to put in the following request - a basic player home somewhere in Goodsprings or anywhere that can accessed early. The suggested building is to use a duplication of Cap Counterfeiting Shack (SLCapCounterfeiterINT) with the basement converted into an armory/workshop. The armory can resemble the one in 'Underground Hideout' mod but the display is sorted according to Jury Rigging category found at http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Jury_Rigging

I've tried looking for existing mod with such feature but to no success.

Thank you for your time!!

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So I ended making my own mod :tongue:

Took about a week to gather the motivation, learn this modding stuff, and put everything together. I'm trying to share it, but not sure it's done right.

For what it's worth :smile: -- The Jury Rigging Association Shack


*Would be great and much appreciated if someone can confirm that the mod is uploaded correctly and working as intended. Thks

Edited by armrule
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