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New Couples/Families of Skyrim


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I find it funny how you, the Dragonborn can be part of a homosexual or interracial couple in the game. Why is no one else doing this. Sure, Some interracial couple exist but not nearly enough. This mod would add some interracial and homosexual couples to Skyrim. Simply to show the acceptance of the the the people of Tamriel. Also it really wouldn't be that hard (I imagine) To let them have children as well, Aall you have to do is make them look like the mother's race and give them a few aspects of the father. For example, let's say the mother is a Nord and the father is an Argonian. Simple, looks like a Nord kid, but can breathe underwater, is immune to diseases, and is resistant to cold. If this could be reality, I personally believe this would be a pretty cool mod and not to hard to pull off.


(Please excuse any typos)

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