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A major Crime Overhaul mod (including functionality from many separate mods currently out there)


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There are many individual crime tweaks out there, but so far no MAJOR release that overhauls the entire system. Such a release should include:
- reduced crime report radius
- animals cannot report crimes
- bounties decay, except for murder
- stolen items MAY OR MAY NOT be confiscated, based on the value (the idea is that no one is gonna report a stolen carrot to the guards, but they'll definitely report a stolen diamond)
- similarly, all merchants will purchase lesser value stolen goods, but will find higher priced stolen items suspicious (price settings would be more lenient than confiscation settings, I imagine).
- real-time prison sentence, complete with prison overhaul (place to sleep, place to get food, place to interact with other prisoners and guards)
It might also be appropriate to include a few other things, such as Vigilants of Stendar adjustments, Thieves Guild related tweaks, or crime affecting ability to receive blessings.

Most of this functionality already exists (more or less) in various mods, but a single major overhaul does not appear to exist yet. Also, current mods may be buggy or incomplete, so this would be a good opportunity to iron out all the details of each facet of the crime system.

Here is a list (probably incomplete) of relevant existing mods:

Reneers Crime Overhaul by Reneer
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