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Help Need for mod failure to load


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my nmm wont work only a few mods work and its the ones from when uninstalled it but in hope for it to work i installed it again but mods that are the mods i tried on the one i uninstalled pls help me :ohmy: :ohmy:

no idea what you're talking about. this is not only the XCOM section (the game isnt supported on NMM but someone elses thread. so find the correct forum and start your own thread, then type up clearly what your issue is.

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  On 9/24/2015 at 4:22 AM, CaptTom said:

I keep getting a "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe does not exist" error - any ideas why?

Thanks in adavnce - CaptTom

We're shooting in the dark here. That's just a "it's broke" report. We need more details about your game to really provide pointed solutions. But we can tell some things that need fixing.


Steam for Windows by default installs it's games into the "C:\Program Files" folder tree. This causes many problems with the UAC when you attempt to use mods or make any changes to the game settings. Do yourself a big favor,and move your Steam game to another folder like "C:\Games". Read the "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" and "Steam and mods" wiki articles on how and why to do this, and then the "Basic Guide to installing mods" article on how to prep for mods.


Additional details that will help:

* Which version of the game (EU or EW) and "patch level") have you tried playing as vanilla before it broke?


* Have you tested EU/EW (twice) to the main menu prior to installing any mods (as per the "Basic Guide" wiki article)?


* What mods have you installed and any "in game" options such as "Training Roulette"?


* Which version of which mods (meaning: is the mod intended for EU or EW; they are not interchangable and may be patch level dependent)? Not all mods are compatible with others, and some have already been incorporated into others. Use mod version numbers, not vague terms like "latest". If nothing else there are "uploaded" dates on the download page.


* Have you disabled the "phone home" feature ("Basic Guide" wiki article)?


* Are you running with Steam in "off-line" mode ("Basic Guide" wiki article)?


* Have you disabled "Hash checks" ("Basic Guide" wiki article) for EU?


* Have you "Enabled INI loading" ("Basic Guide" wiki article)?


The instructions on most download pages assume you have already performed the above. And they are never a substitute for reading the included documentation, such as "ReadMe" files.


* Have you installed "TexMod"? If so, you need to uninstall it, install all other mods first, and then install TexMod last (because it requires renaming the game executable and messes up other mod installations).


* Try installing only one mod at a time, test it, and report with details on what is installed and the nature of any error messages the system gives. See the wiki article "Troubleshooting basics".



Edited by dubiousintent
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Sorry for the delay. Been fighting Win 10 upgrade after it wiped out my Win 7 product key.....


I trying to play XCOM EU with the LONG WAR mod. The error msg about the Binaries path is the only thing I get. I deleted and reload XCOM from Steam, I wiped out extra files in Steam Folder, I created a separate Games folder for all of my Steam Games and I still get this msg : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe does not exist. I updated graphics, video drivers, mouse drivers, and I still cant get it to play.

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  On 9/26/2015 at 4:31 AM, CaptTom said:

Sorry for the delay. Been fighting Win 10 upgrade after it wiped out my Win 7 product key.....


I trying to play XCOM EU with the LONG WAR mod. The error msg about the Binaries path is the only thing I get. I deleted and reload XCOM from Steam, I wiped out extra files in Steam Folder, I created a separate Games folder for all of my Steam Games and I still get this msg : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe does not exist. I updated graphics, video drivers, mouse drivers, and I still cant get it to play.

That's because Long War since Beta 12 has only been for EW (not EU). The current LW version is Beta 15F3. The error message is indicating it's not finding the EW executable, which is entirely correct if you don't have EW.


Your only choice is to play LW beta 12 under EU (which can be done but was "incomplete" and is no longer supported), or install the EW expansion.



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Long War Mod now loaded - old problem solved. Thanks you all for the help.


New problem:


[iNFO]> ==========XCOMModHelper========
[iNFO]> Found XCOM Root Directory of [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown ]
[iNFO]> Backup Target Directory is [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Backup ]
[iNFO]> Backup Directory does not exist, creating
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Folder [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\UpkUnpacked ]
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Output Directory does not exist, creating
[ERROR]> An Error occured during processing:Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
[ERROR]> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandTargetPath(String targetPath, Boolean validatePath) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 127
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandPatchTargetPaths() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 113
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.Execute() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 39
at XCOMModHelper.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\Program.cs:line 53
The Patching Process was Aborted
[iNFO]> ==========XCOMModHelper========
[iNFO]> Found XCOM Root Directory of [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown ]
[iNFO]> Backup Target Directory is [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Backup ]
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Folder [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\UpkUnpacked ]
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Output Directory does not exist, creating
[ERROR]> An Error occured during processing:Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
[ERROR]> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandTargetPath(String targetPath, Boolean validatePath) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 127
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandPatchTargetPaths() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 113
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.Execute() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 39
at XCOMModHelper.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\Program.cs:line 53
The Patching Process was Aborted
[iNFO]> ==========XCOMModHelper========
[iNFO]> Found XCOM Root Directory of [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown ]
[iNFO]> Backup Target Directory is [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Backup ]
[iNFO]> Backup Directory does not exist, creating
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Folder [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\UpkUnpacked ]
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Output Directory does not exist, creating
[ERROR]> An Error occured during processing:Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
[ERROR]> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find the specified Target Path [ C:\Games\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandTargetPath(String targetPath, Boolean validatePath) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 127
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.ExpandPatchTargetPaths() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 113
at XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.Execute() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 39
at XCOMModHelper.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\Program.cs:line 53
The Patching Process was Aborted


Any ideas? Thanks in advance



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