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Filtered out audio on the one advertiser that actually lets me do that.

Thank you, I haven't heard it since. Funny that they allowed you to filter out the audio. You would think that they would want to keep the audio on to attract attention.


EDIT: Oh no, what happened. They stopped for a while and I wasn't bugged by them. Now, they have started sounding again! What did I do?!? Oh, my volume was muted. Anyway, FYI the sound on the iPod advertisement still isn't turned off.

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Thanks for trying to look into this Dark0ne. I haven't seen it recently, but hopefully if it is still around it'll move out of the ad rotation for awhile. (I don't think ANYONE is going to click on an ad that screams at you like that :P)


Still want to become a supporter of this site, hopefully I'll be able to once I get a new job. You do awesome work Dark0ne, thanks for putting up with us freeloaders.

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