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Famous People in oblivion


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Right i have a problem that i need a bit of help with im not actually trying to mod anything new but i really want to make Devon Aoki character from Sin City into the game i have tried to use Face Gen modeller but am unable to export from the demo and writing down all the slider values did nothing as my modded interface shows it as the wrong numbers plus oblivion likes to chage other figues when your editing the ones you want. I have face exchange lite aswell but not actually having an origial file its pretty pointless.


I have the perfect image (attached) of Devon Aokis face for putting into FGM but dont have $500 lying around to buy the software. Also encountered other problems as im using the Han asain race mod and beautiful people mods also corwyns fantasy bodies and rens hair pack but i still want the face if anyone is able to help me id be very grateful and you can have my basic save file to put on TESS or whatever.


Devon Aoki large face image

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