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Prescripted Drug Use in Children


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  rob_b said:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on there, son :wacko: ! I never meant for you to take it the wrong way :ohmy: ! I was only joking ;D ! I never actually meant you were doing those things!


Oh, sorry about that. I wasn't fully paying attention when I read the post.

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That would be a nightmare for a parent to have to deside if their child has to go on mood altering meds. Myself I would try everything like changing their diet and counciling, but if the meds., have more pros. then cons. and will deem the child a better quality of life. Go for it. I'm on mood altering meds., and I would be considered disabled without them. People need to realize that mental disease (even though you can not see it) is the same as diabetes, heart disease, MS, etc.


On a lighter note I tend to laugh at myself; it's never a dull moment. You think Lord Sheaogorath is insane. I can take him to school. :wink:

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Well i actually thought for a mature topic it would actually have some mature posts. Thanks to Carah and the Dark0ne, the only 2 mature enough anyway.


Seriously, When it comes to ADD, ADHD, Bi-Polar, and whatever other "new" mental problems there are i do belive its a lack of disipline starting at a young age. It might also have something to do with either being breast fed or bottle fed. Might have to do with mom smoking cigs or drugs during pregnancy, these were once the things we worried about once, not anymore, Now whats the problem with my kid? he laughs to much.....looks down to much, is way to active.......100 years ago if the boy did something wrong he would get a whoopin, otherwise ma and pa would let the boy do what he wanted. Granted a whoopin can be something else nowadays then a child getting hit, the fact is the dicipline is gone, it isnt there, Video games, computers, TV, what does your kid learn from that? Violence, sex and whatever else they can see by hitting a button. And this is fact. That isnt a lie.


i will be honest, if the kid really deserves it, and i mean really deserves ill spank him, not 20-100 times, maybe like 3-5, and with my hand, no spoon. ( thanks mom!).

Go to another country and and see what there children do, they work in rice pattys, or sheperd heards, or just plain work. Then go to school, Then work some again. Which i dont belive is right either, but they have that discipline, you can see it in there eyes.


i belive ADD and ADHD are products of the technoligical humdrum the world is going through. I belive Bi-polar has to do with various things up to and including the magnetic poles of the earth ( hence bi-polar ), and belive all these things have to do with three things, How you were raised, how you were disciplined for doing something good or bad, and how steady and healthy your diet was/is.


But think of it like this. I told my wife when she was pregnant with our daughter, "Just because you are pregnant doesnt mean you have lost your mind or sensibility, you can still use your brain", and you know what, to all you dudes who have had kids, it was a normal pregancy.........but all the chemical and physical changes that she went through, she hasnt changed a bit, still the calm and cool women she has always been ( except when she's pregnant ) so it cant really be caused by anything in the air or a bug, it has to be genetic or a form of LEARNED behavior.


As far as the main question do i belive in perscription drugs being perscribed to children is safe? If perscribed by my family doctor yes, because i ask questions, alot of questions when it comes to my children, and if my doctor says lets try this then yes i'll do it.


But as far as a teacher being invloved with the diagnosis, I couldn't be more blunt than this. The teacher is there to teach my child, give my child an education, that is it. anything else is my job, my responsibility, and if a teacher said my son or daughter might have "whatever" i would simply blow it off if i didnt agree, if i could see what the teacher was talking about i would just go to the doctor and talk to my doctor about it, but ask questions, and not let it get to the point where my kid is on 20 drugs.


So yes i do agree with giving a child prescribed drugs, if the child needed them. Alot factors into my choice though like, i trust my doctor, and i know the teachers who teach my children.


Anyway...........( i am a ramblin man! )

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