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Skyrim always freezes 15 minutes or so in game.


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Hey, I really need help here -

I've been playing skyrim for the past few weeks and it has been a great experience. Great framerate, no freezing, etc.

Suddenly, since the last few days, after 15 minutes in game (or about as much, maybe 20, 30, a short while that isn't very short) it completely freezes, the music still plays but skyrim stays still, frozen.


Here is my mod list the way it appears in the load order:








Shadow of Morrowind.esm


Helgen Reborn.esp



Inconsequential NPCs.esp

Run for your Lives.esp





Song General Armor&Weapon.esp

Palemarsh.esp (house mod)


aGreyLedgeManorLITE.esp (Grey Ledge Manor house mod)

Bluecreek Estate.esp

Elysium Estate.esp

flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp (the Eagles nest house mod)

MTAutoStorage.esp (what is this even?)










Can somebody help me please?


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Ok, a couple of things I noticed. First, you need SKSE. Even if you aren't running mods that require it, it helps in SO many other ways. There are plenty of videos on how to install it, the best by Gopher (in my opinion). First, install it; second, watch the video on how to apply the memory patch for SKSE and what it does ect ect. I am not sure if the memory block limit is what causing your issues since that is an instant CTD, not a freeze, but it will help regardless.

Second, I don't see the unofficial patches for Skyrim and the DLCs. Get those.

If you are still getting freezes after doing these, let us know.

Also, just go to Gopher's video channel on youtube and watch all his videos on Modding for skyrim that are relevant to you.

Last, if you are still having problems, tell us what mod manager you are using. MO or NMM? (MO is better in my opinion) and when exactly it is freezing up and any other details you can think of.

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Have you checked temperatures? A overheating Graphics card can cause a freeze after a certain amount of time. Then when it freezes, it takes you time to get out of the game and restart - and by then the card has cooled back down.


Are your freezes when you do some specific thing, or when you are near some specific place in the game?


Do you have any background processes running that could steal focus? A program that calls home every so often can do this - as can some malware.

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Ok, a couple of things I noticed. First, you need SKSE. Even if you aren't running mods that require it, it helps in SO many other ways. There are plenty of videos on how to install it, the best by Gopher (in my opinion). First, install it; second, watch the video on how to apply the memory patch for SKSE and what it does ect ect. I am not sure if the memory block limit is what causing your issues since that is an instant CTD, not a freeze, but it will help regardless.

Second, I don't see the unofficial patches for Skyrim and the DLCs. Get those.

If you are still getting freezes after doing these, let us know.

Also, just go to Gopher's video channel on youtube and watch all his videos on Modding for skyrim that are relevant to you.

Last, if you are still having problems, tell us what mod manager you are using. MO or NMM? (MO is better in my opinion) and when exactly it is freezing up and any other details you can think of.


Thanks for the quick reply!

Few things, I do have SKSE. Perhaps it is not evident in the mod load order? But it's working and all.

I'm running the game through SKSE launcher.


Unofficial patches for Skyrim? downloading right now.


And as for mod managers, I'm not using any. Though I regret this more and more now, should I get Mod Organizer then? would it work alright since my game is already modded and barely halfway through?

The freezing, I believe, occurs with time, not with setting. While I can say this certainly, I'm guessing so since the game has already froze while entering an inn, while marching in the pathway from winterhold to windhelm, after waking up in windhelm, etc. the places are pretty varied, but the time it takes the game to freeze is usually similar.

(I thought at least).

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Have you checked temperatures? A overheating Graphics card can cause a freeze after a certain amount of time. Then when it freezes, it takes you time to get out of the game and restart - and by then the card has cooled back down.


Are your freezes when you do some specific thing, or when you are near some specific place in the game?


Do you have any background processes running that could steal focus? A program that calls home every so often can do this - as can some malware.

I haven't checked temperatures, how can I?

And it could quite possibly be an overheating Graphics card, as mine's pretty weak. So far when it crashed, I had a hard time closing the damn thing as the skyrim window (even when switched) would still cover up most of the screen (only way to close it was using the task manager or restarting), I worked around that with Windows 10's multiple desktops feature. What I'm trying to say, I doesn't seem as if the whole computer went nuts, just the skyrim application. If that tells you anything.


The freezing doesn't occur around specific stuff.

And I've tried closing background processes, big and small, whichever and it still froze. :|

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