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"Real Assassinations" Help me brainstorm for this mod I want to make


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first of all: this is not a "I got a great idea but someone else needs to make it cause I know nothing about modding" kind of thing. I do plan to do this myself. I just want some input.


Ok, so you know how in the game when you are told to assassinate someone you could essentially go to place A kill person B in the middle of the market square using a nukelike fireball, pay a fine and it is a job well done. You return and get some gold.


That's pretty crappy if you ask me. Imo assassinations should be all about stealth. The guy giving you the job usually does not want everybody to be aware of the killing.


So, I'd like to introduce a system, a radiant sort of system, for assassinations which require stealth and precision. I plan to make spawned characters the target as to not interfere with vanilla quests and stuff.



The ideas I had in mind:


  • the killings need to be undetected or they fail. maybe even conditional as in "kill them in this place in this manner".
  • You do not just follow a quest marker to the target, but rather you get directed to the place where the target has been seen last. there, you will have to ask around. but ask around too much and you arise suspicion from the target's allies, possibly failing the mission.
  • reputation of sorts. you take and execute a bunch of jobs and earn a reputation with possible consequences.


Basically the overall goal is to make assassinations more than "run to this quest marker, nuke the guy, run back get gold".


Let me know if you care at all. Cheers.

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Sounds brilliant! Instantly inspired my inner Ezio to imagine all sorts of assassination plans. :tongue:


There is nothing I could add to the current plan, I think. The Assassin's Creed series is full of brilliant tactics. Or maybe I just made them up myself, but still. Here are the target thingies I thought of (in case someone reading has not played AC much):

  • High priority target with bodyguards, travels between two or more locations
  • Informant or traitor, to be followed to his/her employer, then kill both
  • Agent, disguised as a part of another group, needs to identify the target and kill, killing innocents will fail mission or cause target to flee
  • Assassin interceptions (you know, like in Rogue, for example)

Also, having played Rogue a bit, how about NPCs that tail player, get close and then attack with something paralyzing or just attack normally? With poisoned crossbows (how would that work???)? As a result of killing enough people for example?


I like the Empire - as I believe the Thalmor are the main evil and they are just blackmailing the Empire to do things like outlawing Talos worship - so I would definitely love to see some sort of extension of the Penitus Oculatus. In the base game, the are a bore. But they are supposed to be the Emperor's bodyguard or something like that. So what I would suggest is making an extension for the Penitus Oculatus. For example, after the Dark Brotherhood is destroyed, player could be given assignments by the Penitus Oculatus. Or before player has joined them? So that the conditions could be combined from:

  • Player has joined the Empire in civil war or at least not joined the Stormcloaks
  • Player has destroyed the DB or at least not joined them

And player could work for the Penitus Oculatus, to fight other intelligence services, like the possible ones from Thalmor or Stormcloaks. But because the Empire has been forced to that insane agreement with the Thalmor, everything player does that involves fighting the Thalmor, assassinating Thalmor agents or such would need to be done discreetly, or else it could cause diplomatic issues for the Empire.


So, working for the Empire and Penitus Oculatus, fighting against the Thalmor while keeping it a secret OR making others take the blame. Also maybe fighting against the Stormcloaks? I know adding everything to Penitus Oculatus would reduce the mod's potential target audience, but that is just my suggestion, as I would love to kick some Thalmor butt because they have humiliated the Empire that I fight for.


My thoughts on the matter. Good luck with the project. :smile:

Edited by PhilippePetain
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  • High priority target with bodyguards, travels between two or more locations -> Not bad, but that would not be very stealth compatible if you know what I mean. any fighter guy could do that.
  • Informant or traitor, to be followed to his/her employer, then kill both -> that is pretty good, I can see this working
  • Agent, disguised as a part of another group, needs to identify the target and kill, killing innocents will fail mission or cause target to flee -> maybe. not sure how to implement.
  • Assassin interceptions (you know, like in Rogue, for example) -> no I don't know. I suppose you would need to identify an assassin and kill them before they kill someone the employer does not want to die. Ye, could work.




Some good ideas there.


As for Penitus Oculatus: I would want to keep it neutral. Just an "assassin for hire" sort of thing. So players could pick and choose. This also jives best with my playstyle as my characters don't give a damn about neither the empire nor the stormcloaks as long as the money is good.

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Okay. Thank you. My characters always fight for the Empire, but that is just my choice. Better let others pick their sides but still enjoy the assassinations. Rogue was a very interesting game. I jumped straight to it from Revelations, and enjoyed both naval battles and the storyline. I like to keep things organised and in good order, and I am also a sort of fan of the historical British Empire, so the storyline was definitely fantastic. Also a very minimal amount of bugs. The only complaint I have is how short the story was. And that the British NPCs never turned into allies, so I ended up killing them still. :(


And yes, an assassin interception works by first reaching and identifying an ally, after which a timer starts ticking. Before the timer reaches null, player can try to find/identify and kill assassins. When the timer reaches null, the assassins begin to approach the ally and try to kill it. If the ally is killed, mission fails. If player kills all assassins and the ally lives, it is a success. That might not be overly complicated to do, either. Unless, of course, it all needs to be sort of 'radiant' but still work as intended.

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I think something you could add is a quest where you have to stalk your target, learn their schedule, and afterwards you will be given the next quest stage saying kill them at x location and time. The traveling high priority targets sound interesting as well.


I dont think killing innocents should really be an issue unless specified by the contract as they could just be collateral damage. And if you do kill innocents maybe it just lowers your rep and pay rate over time.

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You do not just follow a quest marker to the target, but rather you get directed to the place where the target has been seen last.

Bad idea imo if the this is a add on for the DB guild, it normal to know the place and name of the target for DB assassins. Since someone requested the target to be killed, the client is someone that knows at lest a place the target visits in regular fashion. The last place seen is just bad planning and bad tailing skills. Also the nightmother tells you everything.



For ideas:

-Many types of assassinations:

Stuff their pocket with poison, kill in their sleep, snipe them, with a spell etc.


-Different needs:

Take an item from the target upon death, hide the body and others.


Different conditions:

Time and places matter.

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At no point did I say this would be attached to the DB. It'll be jobs for freelancers. And of course it will depend on the case whether the location of the target is known, somewhat known or not known at all.


I don't care how great the night mother is, but conjuring up a mystical arrow over someones head that leads you straight to them does not seem all that fitting to me.

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You could be tasked to kill a man inside a chariot who will go from A to B and tasked to intercept him. The mod would point to a location A, most often a vantage point, where you can shoot your enemy with a poisoned arrow. You could wear a hood or something to not be recognized if you get somehow caught. You could also be tasked to kill a courier. The problem with spawning a new NPC is that the NPC won't have a house and will just wander mindlessly, better make the person a courier, diplomat or something similar.

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