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Lighting buggered


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Alright, I've been struggling with this for some time. But I know my lighting is messed up. Things are just TOO bright.

I've got Nevada Skies installed. And ENB. These screenshots are with the ENB inactive.
I used to have Fellout (got rid of it, but it may be the root cause) I also used to have FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting.

I had ILO (Interior Lighting Overhaul) installed, but it just RUINED interior lighting, everything was LiteBrite inside...in most places. I also tried the Flora overhaul to offset the litebrite plants.

Nothing works. I don't know what it is. Maybe one of the old mods messed up an ini file? I currently only have Nevada Skies and the Flora overhaul installed.




If you think this looks normal, I must be going blind.

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