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Another Thundercats request, The Claw Shield


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There have been plenty of requests for the Sword and Shield, and the Sword of Omens has been modded a few times. But no one has tackled the Claw Shield. http://thundercats.wikia.com/wiki/Claw_Shield


I have an idea, but no clue how to implement it. If someone could take the Elven Gauntlets and remove the right hand from the model, and scale the left one up to about 1.1 or 1.15 scaled from normal, it could be equipped and worn over any other gauntlet, hopefully with no clipping.


Then as far as stats are concerned I guess it would be comparable to say an orcish shield and maybe a reduced spellbreaker effect.


What do you guys think?


P.S. Thunder. Thunder! THUNDERCATS HOOOOO!

Edited by xxMZxx
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