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What would YOU wish to see in a house mod?


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Hello dear Oblivion comunity!


My team and I are actuly working on a great mod project, the Safe Havens Mods. We will release, in link to our project, a player owned house. To help us make it complete and special, please tell us what are the things you'd like to see in an house mod. What things you didnt found in an house mod you'd realy want? Dont be restrictive! Write what ever fantaisy you think of!




I also invite you to visit our forum to learn about this mod of ours, or visit the thread about our mod here. Feel free to ask us any question you want!


Safe Havens Mods forum: http://snipefalcon2.byethost31.com/SMF11/index.php


Safe Havens Mods thread on this forum: http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?sh...;hl=safe+havens

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-A barracks type section that you could put companions in and they would have all the things to fulfil there schedules, like food and beds and training areas etc.


-Inhabitants that have interesting schedules, like gardening or something... so your house doesnt feel like a loot storage shed.


-Stay away from the now 'generic creative aspects', like a mages tower or some poo.


-Awesome view of cyrodiil... or even of the horizon of hammerfall or another far land.


got others but im on the fone and aint a girl so cant multi task, ill write em later

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Yes indeed, nocs wich actuly do things is a request that as most sence! Nice ideas! cant wait to see your other ones!



I really like the New Kumiko Manor and how the ladies go skinny-dipping every evening in the bath house. But it's a bummer when my companions from other mods won't join us... maybe add a household faction script so that we can add our companions to that faction and they automatically get the house-routine behaviors when they're off duty? Not sure if it's even possible, but it would be sweet.


Also - how about house-staff who can provide repair hammers and stuff without charging you via the normal menus? I mean, if they're on staff, you shouldn't be paying them by the job. Maybe you pay them automatically by the week? Maybe you have merchants in your hire who sell to other npc's to support the mannor?



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One thing I've always found extremely annoying in the official Frostcrag mod was the ability to sort ingredients with the scales (which is a good idea for a house), but not the ability to easily pull them out. Maybe if a script could be written that allows you to "take all" or something that would be nice.


Front and back porches/patios would be cool.


I for one love baths and toilets and fun things like that in a house.


Another thing, I have a lot of (big) crap I'd love to display, but if I close the display case they wiggle around and fall out the bottom. A larger or new kind of display would be fantastic. Maybe a glass case the size of a dresser with a manakin inside for your armor?


Maybe a gardener who collects ingredients from your garden and sticks them in a drawer for you so you have a good constant supply.


Respawning drink and food at the table, maybe a "cook" who walks over and puts it there.


Must have an awesome view and not interfere with Frostcrag, Heros Retreat, Kumiko manor, or other popular house mods.


I'll go think of some more!


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Everyone may not agree, but I'd really like an alchemy sorter. Not many house mods actually have a full sorter with jars that don't have physics problems - having them be static containers rather than havoked would be a good idea.


If you're going to have skinny-dipping people, I'd like to put in a strong vote for them being coed - it's really going to annoy me to have an all-girl nudie pool party every night when I'm a girl.


I like the suggestion with the storage. I'm aware of how sadly limited the options are there due to the havok, but mannequins seem to be the best solution available in general.


Also: I really don't care for the wood/marble mannequin textures, and it's possible to apply those scripts to any race in a mannequin that can't be picked up. I'd like to see some multiracial mannequins.

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A big room filled with dummies, archery targets and traps, entitled: Training room. Add a sign somewhere saying: DANGER.


I always liked the traps in this game, and if you could add them in a house mod, it would be fun. I'm talking about spike traps, wall traps, axe traps, poison traps, decending/ascending traps, Oblivion traps... Use your imagination.

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All of you have realy good ideas and requests!!!




For sure, a good, multyfonctional ingrediant stoter is REALY a must.


Patios, balconies, porches...you name it! I also like those kinds a thing alot!


Baths/hot tubs and other water things are also loved by everyone. I want them, as many other features, fully interactive.


Humm...big, box like glass display thingies is a very, very nice idea....in fact, maby when activated and filled with an object, it could show the object floating in the midle of it! I also thought of an other kind of display, but thats a suprise :)


I've also thought of that gardener idea, and add to it plantable seeds wich you can plant were ever you want in the garden!


And for the nice view, that is obligatory!



Great thank you for ideas an requests!!!





For the skiny diping thing, I misself aint to found of nude mods lol. But if anyone want the NPCs being naked, your free to change them!


FOr the mannequin issue, I wish to make the house and display room fully costomisable. For exemple, you'll be able to chose what kind of mannequin you want (you'll be able to chose to ahve none, to place your own if you have a mannequin mod) Same thing for the banners in the house and many other things!


Thak you very must for you ideas!





That is in fact a great idea!! I could include some traps in one of my unique training grounds!


Thanks for the advise ;)

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Please make it have a very subtle/deceiving exterior... for example a small shack in the middle of no where, but when you go inside there is a trap door... the trap door leads you into a tunnel that leads into a huge underground cavern/house... or something like that.


To cater to different types of people, make the whole house massive, but then for the people who like small houses have a kind of 'mini house' in the centre of this house that only the player can reach, then the massive bit is where the NPCs can be.


About the underground idea, what you could do is have the trap door, lead into the house, but then there is another door that leads out of the house, into a HUGE underground cavern that is actually a town, with NPCs everywhere etc... obviously this is beyond a house but the ideas there if you want it. think moria from lord of the rings.


Then If you want to extend that further, some of the other buildings could lead to the passages into the imperial sewers... so it is the real underground of the IC... dunno, whatever.

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