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Arasdir: Voice Actors Needed!


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Hey everyone! For my upcoming Follower/Quest Mod: Arasdir Crassus I need some voice actors. I am currently making the first "Episode" in the main quest line titled The Talos Incident. This is the post I am making to show open positions for VAs for the mod, if you would like a role please post here with what role you would like and some samples of your voice acting. It would also be great if all voice actors can clean their own audio files.



Open VA Roles:


- Aldaril: An Altmer who is a high ranking agent for the Thalmor. He uses their old Solitude HQ as his base of operations. This is a fairly sizable role because he will have lines across the entire first "Episode" which is five quests long. VA should be able to portray a character who is evil yet collected and intelligent.


- Aenar: Leader of a group of Talos Worshippers, he is a somewhat elderly Nord (in his 50s). This is another large role spanning multiple quests. He speaks with a sense authority and I picture him with a deep commanding voice.


- Ushbam: A Orc who will appear only in one quest, he has about 10 lines and is drunk for all of them. He is a warrior who will be brawling the player.


- Raddin: A Nord who serves as a guard for the Talos Worshippers. He is in his late 30s and speaks with an authoritative tone, he is inspired by Aenar and the work he has done in the name of Talos. He will likely appear in a few quests and have some radiant guard dialogue. His role in the quests will never be all that large though.


Taken VA Roles:


- Lucret: An Imperial who serves the Talos Worshippers, this is the only quest he will be in and he has about 20 lines. He is probably in his 20s but other than fairly young you can take his voice whichever direction you see fit (just make sure he still sounds imperial). - Voiced by cloudedtruth







Please feel free to try out for whichever part you want. I want to thank all voice actors in advance for their assistance! I would also like to note that this is NOT a paid role, I am a college student and money is already scarce enough :smile: The position of Arasdir is not currently up for grabs (The main character) because I am currently working with a few potential voice actors to get some sample lines in.


- AirtightSpring3

Edited by AirtightSpring3
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