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Unable to play in first camera mode


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I've been installing some mods, and when i start a game and whether i put the camera manually on 3rd person, or the character sits or talks with an NPC it gets stuck on 3rd person, worse than this is the fac that when i try to put it again on 1st person i see it like being 2 inches forward from it should be and tilted to the left, also the animation of attack is always centered forward, making it very hard to aim and over all dizzy.

I have already tried deleting the files on data/meshes/Character/ but it was only one, not two like i read on internet and it didnt fix the problem, modifying the oblivion.ini didnt work out either

i tried disabling all mods and the issue still remains, please help :geek:


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It could be the camera feature from Oblivion Reloaded that is causing it. Disable it in the mod's ini and see if it fixes the issue. If it does, you can try re-enabling the camera feature and playing aound with the settings to see if you could have the camera mode so that it works.


If it is something else than OR camera mode, I cannot help you. I have a pretty different mod setup myself.

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