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Oghma Infiniun not dissapearing


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for the sake of collecting every major items in the game i request a mod that makes it so that the Oghma Infiniun doesn't dissapear after it's been used. i don't want some kinda exploit that makes it so that i can the Oghma Infinium an infinite number of time i just want to be able to keep the book for display purpose after i've used it.

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for the sake of collecting every major items in the game i request a mod that makes it so that the Oghma Infiniun doesn't dissapear after it's been used. i don't want some kinda exploit that makes it so that i can the Oghma Infinium an infinite number of time i just want to be able to keep the book for display purpose after i've used it.

I read the book, closed it with tab to get back to my inventory, dropped it with R and could then picked it up again. I've only tried it twice so I'm not sure it will happen 100%. I do use SkyUI, don't know if that makes a difference.

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