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Dark Brotherhood radiant assassins are actually assassins.


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It always bugged me that the Dark Brotherhood assassins who attack you on the road just charge at you with a sword and a dagger - not exactly an assassination attempt, running head first at a dude in Dragonbone Armour wielding all manner of Daedric Weapons with the voice that can make Dragons fall from the sky.

It'd be great if there was a mod that actually made the DB assassins seem like they were actually trying to assassinate you:

  • They try sniping you from long range with arrows - running away if they miss rather than drawing a sword to attack, then try again from another vantage point. Chance for 2 or 3 assassins to do this at once in an area so you feel more pinned down - I'm imagining something similar to that scene in LOTR The Two Towers when the Gondorian Rangers capture Frodo
  • They attempt to poison you in your sleep - if sleeping at an inn, a 5% chance you will wake up with negative status effects due to 'unknown poison'
  • Maybe add Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul functionality so they use bombs and explosives on you
  • Radiant encounter of an injured man in scraggy robes on the side of the road, when you attempt to offer assistance, he takes the robes off revealing the DB armour and then attacks you

I don't know how doable these things would be since I'm not a modder, but I think it'd be pretty cool and would make the Brotherhood seem like less of a laughing stock compared to seeing them crouching in plain sight in the middle of the road waiting for you.


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Great idea. I would love it if someone actually made this mod. Or maybe add a complete set of weapon that assassins would use. Like a new sword, a poisoned dagger, poisoned arrows and darts, or maybe even blow pipe. It would be awesome.

Edit : Maybe also a grenade, like what you said. And also i think it would be better for the assassins to attack you in groups if they fail on silently assassinating you. Like what hired thugs did. If they just run away it would be kinda boring for me.

Edited by TheBestShogun12
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