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Does anyone know if bethesda have shown any interest in getting some of the top modders in the community to helo develop their games/expansion... tbh they could make their games so good if they harnessed the endless idea fountain that is the eldar scrolls community... ?
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Weren't they pretty much just looking for level design/scripters at that point?

Yep, and they probably didn't find anyone. There aren't that many people around who can do that much with any capability, and have the freedom to relocate to another city. I woud have applied, but my portfolio kinda sucks, and I'm not too keen on moving. It's for the best really, gives me the freedom to do whatever I feel like doing. I would imagine the reason why most of the stuff sucks is because the designers lack imagination, and don't let those doing the gruntwork add their input. They want a working product that "looks good", not one that plays good or is reasonably inventive, afterall, that's someone else's job, and they were probably grandfathered in. Ok, rant about corporate producing over.

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