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[Mod request] Combat Log Messages Duration


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Can I have a question? Is it possible to set duration of log messages, that appear, when you hit something or being hit by something?


I mean the gray messages on the left side of the screen. They disappear after about 1 sec. I would like to see them longer.


I tried to edit hudModuleConsole.ws script, where I think is the code for the messages, but without success.


Can someone help me?


Thank you.


(I hope you understand me, English is not my native language...)

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Unfortunately I can't help with this request, but I just wanted to let you know that you conveyed your request quite well. So no worries on your English potentially obscuring what you're trying to say. :) The only thing that you might want to phrase a little differently would be this part "Can I have a question?". To something like, "May I ask a question?", or even "Can I ask a question?". Although the last one isn't necessarily grammatically correct, and you could potentially get somebody that responds with "I don't know, can you?" lol.


Regardless, I too would definitely want something like this. So hopefully either you, or somebody else can figure it out. I have no idea why they would even include the log system when it almost immediately vanishes. Seems useless currently.


Good luck man.

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