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Game crashes after slaying enemies..


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Its become a bit of a nuisance. I can take down an animal of enemy with magic, no problem most of the time. But frequently, when I kill with a 'physical' weapon, the game crashes JUST as the creature dies. I have tested to see whether my few mods are interfering and found that it is not the case. Can anyone suggest a possible solution? Just in case, I am running version 1.1, with no major mods active, only a couple negligable ones. My specs are as follows:


CPU: Intel Centrino Duo 1.83 GHz

RAM: 2GB DDR2-633 Corsair XMS2

Video Card: ATi Radeon X1400 w/ 256MB VRAM

Sound: Integrated SB Audigy Hi-Def 5.1


The game normally runs just fine, as well as I could expect for the video card that I have. But I am baffled by this crashing issue.

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Can anyone help me with this issue. I have been trying different settings adjustments, everything from changing windows memory allocation to varying every graphics setting available. I have now discovered, however, that it does not depend at all how I kill an enemy. About 1 out of every 6 or 7 killings causes a game-breaking crash, and it happens RIGHT after the fatal blow. This issue makes it very difficult to play smoothly and sometimes causes quests to take twice as long because usually I forget to save before I enter combat. I am open to suggestions. :)


The only mods I have running are the official plugins that shipped with KotN, and an accelerated magicka regen mod. I have tried removing them, but this has no effect.

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Well, since I havent received any feedback on this issue, I have decided to do some more trial-and-error. It seems this problem may be related to the shifting in music once an enemy is killed (ie, once the combat music switches back to adventure/town music). I was battling a couple of goblins, killed the first one. Then, right after I slayed the second (the only remaining enemy in the area) the game crashed just as the music switched. I really have no idea why it would do this, and would appreciate any assistance!
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Are you using any mods that alter music?


For now, try this:


g'day mate,

you will need to disable music as well ........... go to the game save file in "my documents and open the config file , scrool down to music and change the .bmusic=1 to bmusic=0 and do the same in the game file or where you saved the game, everything stays the same except background music is disabled....

hope this fixex your problem, it did with mine


He doesn't actually say where it is:


Someone told me to change a value in oblivion.ini. Where is that?

C:\Documents and Settings\**USERNAME**\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion


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I dont have any music mods, but I have added some of my own music to the various music folders. I have already tried removing the files I had added from the directory, but it had no effect. I will try to rework my ini according to the reference you posted. Thank alot for the tip! I hope it works, but it'll be pretty bland with no background music...
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