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Textures flickering (mostly from distance)


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No mods activated except NMC + UHQ and Flora Overhaul. Alternate Start - Roleplayers also installed (but assumed unrelated) to quickly test in game.


Always happen from distance, or when I move. When close, it mostly disappears (98 percent) of the time.


Video (excuse the quality - play fullscreen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRiTlM1laJs&feature=youtu.be


Texture problem? Activated Archive Invalidation and the relevant .ini settings. Also spent a lot of time Googling for fixes, meddling with graphical settings, etc.


Maybe a wrong installation?


Or is it merely the game not playing nice with my hardware? i7 4930k + two GTX 980s (SLI disabled) - latest nVIDIA drivers.

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In case someone else stumbles on the same problem than I do:


Just tested with some vanilla folder (no mods except Ultimate Fallout Patch) - didn't touch graphical settings at all (boy is the game ugly); and the problem has been replicated. Assumed engine or GPU related.

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