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Possible aid in applying Custom Bodyslide bodies?


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Please note that before posting a response I am in no way skilled with modding. For the most part I just manage to get by with nexus mod manager installing my mods for me. Now, onto my question.



What I am currently trying to do is use my custom made bodies in Calienties body slide tool (Which has been moved to its own seperate mod) in Skyrim. The issue I am having is that it does not appear to show in game when I try to apply my custom bodies. I do have the Race Menu mods that are required as well as SKSE and Sky UI. My theory is I am probably doing something wrong that is so simple a noob like myself is unable to see the issue.


For now I am just using KillerKeos Skimpy armor replacer with Silly Huge version so that the females of skyrim appear to have large chests. Any aid in how I could correctly apply custom made Bodies into skyrim (with any armor replacer mod that is compatible. I'm not picky.) would be much welcome. Hey I'll even just use vanilla armor if thats what it takes.


Thank you for reading and please no rude or mean comments. As I said before I'm a pretty big noob with modding so please be gentle in your feedback. <3


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