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[Mod Request] Arachnophobes - Hearts of Stone

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Alright, new to the forums here so i hope this is in the right place.


Since the Expansion hit i was really enjoying the game up until a point i suffered an actual panic attack today facing the arachobhobes (new enemeies in hearts of stone) which are ultra-realistic looking spiders. I don't know if i have to say much about the issue here, my arachnobhobia is one of those VERY EXTREM


But before i go on too long about this i just want to request a quick, simple, dirty edit to remove/replace the arachnobhobes. Arachas are no problem since they resemble scorpions (even though large numbers can make me feel uneasy) and do not trigger my phobia.


If there is any way for me to do this myself or for someone experienced who could create such a modification quickly i'd be happy person.


I'd be ok aswell If anyone is able to post some kind of tutorial how i could edit them out myself (unless i have to see thier textures/meshes)


Thanks in advance.

Edited by KingInsaneDL
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I second that.


In skyrim, the first mod I ever install is "insects begone", it would be great if anything like this could be made for TW3. It would be very saddening not to be able to play this whole expansions because of my arachnophobia.



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Okay a little update since nobody actually caught up to this by now. Today i tried to replace the textures/meshes and animations of the spiders to something different by replacing them with files from a different monster. However after i compile the new files into a mod file (or mod directory to be more precise) the game crashes when i load a savegame.


Now i'm pretty sure i'm missing some parts since the "cooking" process at the end throws a couple of errors at me before it's finished although the final packed files (blob0.bundle and metadata.store) are being created in the modification directory. I'm gonna try to figure this out but if there is someone with more experience i'd appreciate any help i can get.


IF i am successfull in creating a "no spiders" modification i'll post it as soon as i can. Gonna try some stuff tomorow and see if i can resolve the crash somehow.

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Thank you @KingInsaneDL for creating this thread. I too, was terribly disappointed with CD Projekt Red went with the "lazy spider route" about the enemy variety when I checked with the notice board in the expansion. I hope you can figure out the modding thing. I wish I could help you out but I'd be deathly terrified to do it even if I had any modding experience. We really need this. Thank you and good luck.

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Pure curiosity, what is it like man?

I mean i dont exactly love spiders as well, and hearing them crawl around in w3 made me pretty uncomfortable as well, expecually when they jump directly into my camera.

But what is it like if you actually have a phobia, do you start looking around in your room. Panic attacks on so on? Is it really that bad no matter if game or rl?

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Pure curiosity, what is it like man?

I mean i dont exactly love spiders as well, and hearing them crawl around in w3 made me pretty uncomfortable as well, expecually when they jump directly into my camera.

But what is it like if you actually have a phobia, do you start looking around in your room. Panic attacks on so on? Is it really that bad no matter if game or rl?

As badly as you descriped, sadly it doesn't really matter if its in a game or in real life, hell games can actually be worse since the whole sound/size design intensifies the whole thing, especially with modern games and more realistic graphic engines.


So yeah there is really not much you can do since it's completely irrational. Heights for instance, i have a healthy respect and maybe even a slight fear but can tell myself that it's safe and actually enjoy things like roalercoasters or flying in a plane - but with a phobia it's completely out of your own control.


As to my efforts in trying to change textures/meshes or rather replacing them; let's just say there is no progress as of yet since i'm still trying to figure out why the game crashes once i start it with my modded files as of this day. However i won't stop looking for a solution since i've followed this series from day 1 and i'm not going to skip content because of that. There is always a way :wink:


Thank you @KingInsaneDL for creating this thread. I too, was terribly disappointed with CD Projekt Red went with the "lazy spider route" about the enemy variety when I checked with the notice board in the expansion. I hope you can figure out the modding thing. I wish I could help you out but I'd be deathly terrified to do it even if I had any modding experience. We really need this. Thank you and good luck.


Well as of now i haven't really opened the TGA files for the textures/meshes so i did not have to look at anything. However i'm practically starting at zero here so it might take some time until i figure this out. But as far as i understand, changing armor appearences and replacing a type of enemy which is bound to certain scripts and game mechanics opposed to a static item is a whole different thing. Gonna keep trying though.


If i make any kind of progress i'll let you guys know. Thanks for staying polite about this topic, especially after i've been reading through some other forums.


Oh and please excuse my grammar, english is not my native language.

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Oh s#*! man, i hope you get this mod going for you then. I can imagine how much it must suck not to be able to play the expansion ( they even appear in the story line ) as of yet. I Really hope someone gets the mod done you need.

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Alright, after more than one week of slamming my head against the wall (modding wise) i'm out of ideas. Tried to replace the textures/meshes with EVERY possible combination of monsters (standalone/mix etc) and even got a friend to basically blacken the textures via editing the TGA files and whatnot the game still just crashes when i load my Game (pre expansion savegame, current savegame and new game) It starts fine but as soon as it's loading the enemy itself the game just crashes and i really have no idea what to do anymore.


I am by no means an expert or have that much experience with c++/scripting etc to make this happen. So all that i/we can do now is wait for someone who'd be able to help out here and create a mod like this - i know there are a lot of talented people out there so it might happen someday. Maybe with the 2nd expansion they'll add even more of them and more people/modders become aware of the issue. But for me, well i tried everything i could think of right now.


It could be something that is easy to solve or it might be necessary to do more than simply replacing textures and scripts / match them (if i make any sense here) to remove the arachnophobes. If ANYONE with more knowledge of modding this game is reading this - ANY help at all would be welcome. I probably put more hours of trying into this already than the actual length of the expansion, which is kinda ironic.

Edited by KingInsaneDL
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