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Trying to learn something is hard enuff, Most stuff is Written like it's out of a Text Book (Teacher not included) especially if it's Half-ass written and the writer think he's a comedian--I dont kno how many times I've read a Tutorial or alike and the guy/gal starts talking about how his Dog got run over out of the blue, none the less of explaining something. ( hehe-not really but you know what I mean) Im asking, I know there are thousands of you out there that can actually Write This Better and include some screenshots. It's fine you know how the program works but If you dont know how to Teach please leave the writing to an actual Teacher




Here's an idea for how Wiki should look...




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And then there's the fact that everyone who writes tutorials assumes anyone reading it has a degree in Computer Science...which i definately DO NOT o_O




Ya take this Tut' right here for example..




No Screenshots, and he just expects you to know eveything he's talking about.



For future Reply's no Im not looking for you to hold my hand (A better Teacher.. Yes!!)

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You forget, most of the people who figure out this stuff aren't teachers. I personally suck at writing tutorials, and so I havn't dispite the fact that I could probably share alot of stuff with potential modders. I would imagine atleast some of them are the same way. There is also that within a modding community, you assume that the person reading info, trying to get something moderately complicated (like meshing) is familiar enough with that program to follow along without screenshots. Trying to dumb things down for more typical people would, and usually does, cause the tutorial to be too wordy, and annoying for those that are familiar and just want to get it done. If I was going to explain doing something with Oblivion AI, I would have to explain less to someone who is familiar with packages, scripting, pathgrids, and general CS, then someone who is new to modding. Likewise, even if explained with screenshots, without atleast some familiarity, all the words in the world wouldn't be enough for some people.


If you havn't spent the time learning enough on your own, why should I spend mine explaining everything when only you benefit? Selfish, but it does cut down on the number of nonesense mods released by people who aren't willing to put forth any personal effort. If you aren't willing to learn, and occasionally bang your head against the keyboard trying to figure it out, maybe modding isn't for you. In truth, the CS wiki has become a bit more complete as time has passed. There are more tutorials in general than there were even 7 months ago. For some of us, it doesn't matter how explained something is, if it's something you need to do, you're just glad that someone spent the time to outline the process. If you don't like how something is written, either do it better or be quiet about it, the person who wrote it didn't have to.

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Oh believe me...lots of banging head on keyboard is being done!


Been trying 2 make some simple piece of crap mod for about 4-5 hours now an there doesn't seem 2 even be any tutorials on how to implement damage changes in the game :(


maybe i'll resort 2 spamming all the boards soon heheh jk

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Please explain what you mean by 'damage changes'.


Using "player.setav attackbonus" to change the damage you do. I want to make a script that makes you do more damage the higher your Speed is instead of Strength


Hmm, having browsed the forums it's become evident that my 1 newb voice will be drowned out in the sea of other newbs crying out 4 help....is there any1 that actually does know how 2 write scripts?!!!


Although it is rather satisfying to see that there's other people who can't do it either! ;D

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Been trying 2 make some simple piece of crap mod for about 4-5 hours now an there doesn't seem 2 even be any tutorials on how to implement damage changes in the game :(

Only 4-5 hours, and already you're this frustrated... Have you ever considdered that maybe modding something which hasn't been done many times before by others is not something you should be doing? If you aren't capable of sitting there for days trying to work through something which isn't well documented, it's usually best to just stick to the stuff that is documented and explained in even the good tutorials.

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Ya take this Tut' right here for example..



No Screenshots, and he just expects you to know eveything he's talking about.

For future Reply's no Im not looking for you to hold my hand (A better Teacher.. Yes!!)


She, not he. That's my tutorial. It was the first one I ever wrote, and at the time I'd only just learned to use Blender and had literally never taken a screenshot before. I knew nothing about computer science and I had taught myself Blender using basically n00b to Pro and occasionally harassing Growlf for export tips. I know it's written on the level of a newbie because at the time, I WAS a newbie.


So why did I write it?


Because there weren't any others. And you know what? There mostly still aren't any others. And you know why? Because people like me don't care to hear things like the above after spending hours of work putting together a tutorial. (And yes, that sword tutorial WAS hours of work, even without screenshots.)


I'm always available to people who message or email me asking for help. In fact, I've helped one or two people on this very forum. But you know what? You didn't ask me for help. You didn't message me to ask me if I could rewrite my tutorial. Instead, you posted up on this forum so you could complain about my writing and lack of big shiny pictures.


You want a better tutorial, learn the hard way like I did and write your own.

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And then there's the fact that everyone who writes tutorials assumes anyone reading it has a degree in Computer Science...which i definately DO NOT o_O




Ya take this Tut' right here for example..




No Screenshots, and he just expects you to know eveything he's talking about.



For future Reply's no Im not looking for you to hold my hand (A better Teacher.. Yes!!)


You two are 100% wrong. I don't have any degree in computer science, and I understood every single bit of that tutorial, without any screenshots. The tutorial is well writen. The author isn't to blame when you can't read.


That tutorial was of an incredible help for my early Blender days. When I got stucked somewhere, I simply asked the author (see above) for help, and she did help me. I can't belive you had the courage to ridiculate yourself in public, as to mock a tutorial that has helped countless wanna-be 3d modellers.


Shame on you, Apoxc.

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