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Scripting/Modding Permanent Skill Increase Items


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How exactly would I go about making an item - a potion specifically - that would *permanently* and effectively permanently add to a a skill?


As far as I can tell, I dont need help with the item creation, placement, etc., but rather need help with the script that is going to be used for permanently modifying statistics


I'm thinking it would go something like this, but.... again...


scn <InsertNameHere>


Begin On<not really sure what command I'd use here... maybe OnAdd>

GetIsUsedItem <Hypothetical Potion>01

player.modav Blades 05



Some advanced Scripter help would be nice... what I've seen from scripting boosts to skill is that it doesnt push you beyond your current "Advancement" level... I'd like to make it so that this potion gives you a boost to skill w/o recognizing it as a temporary (or green) fortification, instead as a traditional (black) addition, IE, what happens when you actually gain a skill or a level.


Again, trying to get these to read in game as potions that increase skill as you normally would through questing and not as a "green" fortification to skill.

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Command you'll want is SetAV, like so:

scn BladePotionScript

short BladeSkill

begin OnEquip
set BladeSkill to GetAV Blade
setAV Blade to (BladeSkill + 5)

I'd suggest you give the potion a Fortify Blade 5 points for 0 seconds effect. Not sure, but I think this would show up in game without a duration specified.


Alternately, you could add an ability, or have a scripted spell effect in the potion.

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Command you'll want is SetAV, like so:

scn BladePotionScript

short BladeSkill

begin OnEquip
set BladeSkill to GetAV Blade
setAV Blade to (BladeSkill + 5)

I'd suggest you give the potion a Fortify Blade 5 points for 0 seconds effect. Not sure, but I think this would show up in game without a duration specified.


Alternately, you could add an ability, or have a scripted spell effect in the potion.


Ok, bear with me - again, I dont claim to understand all the values of the function commands and what they do, but I dont think this is going to work in the manner I want it to.... or maybe I'm just confused about the way the lines are interacting. From what I'm reading, the "BladeSkill" command in line 6 is grabbing my current actor value for blade, and then line 7 is simply adding five to the value instead of "advancing" the value.


So... maybe using an player.advskill command would work more effectively?


ie, maybe this script as a magic effect:


scn PotionofCombatSkill


Begin scripteffectstart

player.advskill blade 5

player.advskill block 5



after setting that up, set up the effects of the potion as such:


effect 1: Script Effect: PotionofCombatSkill

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Didn't realize you wanted it to count towards leveling. Your script should work, HOWEVER: You would be well advised to make sure you're using patch 1.1!


More info.


I hate long topic titles.


Hmm, I think I'm using Patch 1.5 to be honest... or w/e the newest patch you can DL from the official site is.


Thanks again - and my apologies about the long title >.>

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