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East Empire Company Armor by HeirOfTheSeptems logo


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Hello everybody! :)


I thought I can do this in Photoshop or Picasa or similar program but nope I can't... I tried but I have almost nothing experience in modding.There is only .bsa .bsl .ckm .esp files. Well, my request is logo from bracers (EECA) copy to boots. I really enjoy that armor, and I thought I can do that but I can't and now it's really bother me. So basically EEC logo on boots. I wanted to make that for personal using not for re-upload or anything else.




"You will have to copy original (imperial boots) and create separate mesh, then place your texture on the new mesh. Next you will have to use the Creation Kit to change the mesh being used for the boots to your new one."


I have no idea how to do that

Anyway, greetings!
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