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Hello everyone here is a common question


As far as mods go do you


a need permission to use stuff from other peoples mods in yours


b just use them there is no need to ask


c ask because it is polite even if you don't have to


d or is it an unwritten rule to expect your stuff to be used in othe mods


Just wondering because i am making an island mod (like a merchants isle) and i have seen some cool stuff and would like to use them if i can

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A or C, depending on the terms the creator sets (generally, found in the readme)


Not sure if you're better off finding out if you can use a mod before even looking at how it does a specific thing. This would potentially allow you, if permission is refused, to ask someone to provide a general outline of how it's done, without directly analyzing it yourself. See Clean room design.

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Typically, you're best off just using the standard stuff when making a mod. This is because Oblivion mods don't like referencing eachother, and because you'd have to effectivly recreate each and every thing from other mods that you want in yours, and this can still cause problems if things are named the same, or if the player has both mods, with two identical sets of items that don't stack. Just do your own stuff, it forces you to be more creative.
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thank you both or your input

i figured that you should ask

and i also never looked at it that way. it would make things difficult and you would have to make sure the mods did not have the same items in them.



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