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So, anyone who chose the option to destroy the Dark Brotherhood knows they were ripped off in terms of rewards and experience. Skyrim needs a mod that improves the option to destroy the Dark Brotherhood by providing an expanded questline, and rewards that you would receive joining the dark brotherhood and/or different rewards.


If the Dragonborn chooses to destroy the Dark Brotherhood he is tasked to destroy all the members at the Dark Sanctuary, but not all the members are their. Babette and Cicero are absent from the Sanctuary during the destruction of the Brotherhood. I want these characters to be in a new questline, "Remnants of the Dark Brotherhood". After the Dragonborn receives his reward from Commander Maro. He/she will be attack by two "Mysterious Thug"s in a few days. The thug will were a unique armor set similar to the Dark Brotherhood's. one will carry a not saying "Destroy ________, swiftly and without mercy! This man/woman deserves death for what he/she has done! After the Dragonborn kills his/her attacker a courier will look for him a day later with a letter from a High Elf named, Estsha Granoth. The letter says that Commander Maro has been assassinated and they believe the Dark Brotherhood is involved, and she requests the Dragonborn's assistance. When this letter is read, the quest "Remnants of the Dark Brotherhood" begins.


Essentially Estsha was sent to replace Commander Maro in the investigation of the Dark Brotherhood, She will redecorate Maro's Outpost with new gear and valuable items. She added and Arcane Enchanter. Estsha wants the Dragonborn's help hunting down the remains of the Dark Brotherhood. I currently have half ideas on how I want the quest to continue, perhaps give the player a choice to join the new Dark Brotherhood and betray Estsha. I do know I want Babette to be the one who is reviving the Dark Brotherhood in a new secret area in the Black-Briar Meadary. If you want to provide input on how the story continues or perhaps create this mod that would be nice.




So I thought of a way this story can progress. If you don't want a spoil stop reading. So the three contracts (Kill Beitild, Kill Narfi, and Kill Ennodius Papius) take place without the Dragonborn. Estsha assigns the Dragonborn to investigate the crime scenes for clues of the Dark Brotherhood's whereabouts. Estsha gives the Dragonborn an "Investigation Journal". This is a book that will add information to assassinations as this quest-line progresses. at crime scenes the player can investigate bodies hopefully in a way that doesn't involve pushing one button, but actually allowing the player to examine the body.


For Beitild's murder, the Dragonborn arrives to Dawnstar with Beitild dead in front of her mine, She was struck by a Dwarven arrow. The Dragonborn investigates the body and determines the direction that the arrow was shot. The Dragonborn then heads to the cliff above the mine to find the quiver of Dwarven arrows with an Empty Potion Bottle. The Dragon Born picks up the Empty Potion Bottle as evidence. At the sight, their are footprints that head west, away from the crime scene. The Dragonborn follows the trail to a splatter of blood on the snow and a dead Ice Wolf. The assassin was attack by the wolf trying to escape. The Dragonborn follows the blood trail to an Imperial Camp. At the camp the Dragonborn interrogates the "Imperial Medic" the question they want to ask is "Has anyone stopped by for help?" the Imperial Medic will tell the dragonborn that someone came by and stole a healing potion. He didn't get a good look at the face but he describes the armor he was wearing. Also the Dragonborn must go to The Mortar and Pestle in Dawnstar and speak to Lokis, Frida's Apprentice. The Dragonborn will show Lokis the Empty Potion Bottle, he says the potion was designed to improves archery skill and was created by a professional. Lokis then promises the Dragonborn that if he bring any other suspicious potions he will help identify its purpose, and investigate its creator. (Reward 400 gold)


For Narfi's murder, the Dragonborn will find his body in an abandoned shack in Iverstead. with a guard beside him. When the body is investigated the Dragonborn finds a "Shrapnel" in Narfi's body. The Dragonborn then asks the guard if "What happened". The guard will respond with. "We found him like this this morning. He was alive last night. None of the other guards heard a thing." The Dragonborn can ask he guard about the shrapnel. The guard will say that their is nothing worth investigating with the shrapnel. The Dragonborn can ask the the guard who would want Narfi dead? the guard will say that he owes a great sum of money to Hiseem. The Dragonborn can then go and find Hiseem at the Vilemyr Inn. The Dragonborn then Interrogates Hiseem, Hiseem wont confess to preforming the Black Sacrament unless the Dragonborn brings evidence. Presenting the Shrapnal does nothing. (Optional) If the Dragonborn goes into Honeystrand Cave their will be a Black Sacrament ritual. A note on the ritual will be for the Dark Brotherhood with clues that the writer of the note is Hiseem. The Dragonborn can bring the note to a Riften Guard and they will arrest Hiseem, and he can be found at the Riften Jail. If the Dragonborn show the letter to Hiseem he will deny it is his, you have to have a guard arrest him. Reward for completing quest: 400 gold (with Hiseem's arrest includes an enchanted weapon as a reward)


For Ennodius Papius' murder, he will be found in his campsite dead, beside a Hunter. When the Dragonborn Investigates his body, he/she will find the flesh sheared from sock damage. On Papius' persons is a journal explaining his paranoia and his past crimes that he regrets. Interrogating the Hunter will reveal that he and his hunting partner heard screaming and ran as fast as they could to the source. His partner chased the killer and was heading towards the Riverside Shack. The Dragonborn then heads to the Riverside Shack to find the other Hunter dead by the riverbed. The Dragonborn investigates the body to find the lightning scars on the body, and notices that his bow was firing arrows a certain direction. The Dragonborn traces the arrow shots to across the river to find a wounded Dark Brotherhood member. The Dragonborn the Dragonborn binds the Dark Brotherhood member named, Kojii, and now has to escort her to the Windhelm Stables to then hire a carriage to take the Kojii to Estsha. If the Dragonborn moves too far away from Kojii or fast travels the quest fails. (and the reward will be poor).When a creature attack the Dragonborn Kojii will try to escape. When the Dragonborn reaches the Windhelm Stables a Hired Orc Thug will attack him. If the Dragonborn lost Kojii the Dragonborn can interrogate the Hired Orc Thug and find out that a little girl named Babette payed him a lot of gold to kill you, the Dragonborn will then take the Hired Thug as prisoner. The Dragonborn will then hire the carriage to either transport Kojii or The Hired Orc Thug to Estsha. (Reward with Hired Orc: 400 gold, Reward with Kojii: 800 gold and the Draining Cloak Spell witch was on Kojii's persons)


After these three quests Estsha will interrogate Kojii or the Hired Orc. Estsha will then become available for Light Armor Training. She asks the Dragonborn to go to the nine holds and recruit new citizens to hunt down the Dark Brotherhood. She recommends looking at taverns and Inns. Estsha will try to make contact with any allies of hers in the Summerset Isles.


(Update 10/19)


New Quest: "Recruiting Manhunters"

Reward: 400 gold

Any recruits gained will not appear at Penitus Ocualtus Outpost until all recruits join. These are the recruits.


1. Lokis the Chemist

After the Dragonborn leaves the Penitus Oculatus Outpost a courier will immediately interact with him/her with an letter from Lokis. The letter will tell the Dragonborn that Lokis need him/her outside "The Mortar and Pestle" regarding that "special request". The Dragonborn go to Lokis and speak to him. He claims that his research deducts the potion was made by the legendary alchemist "Hanric Death-Trotter". The Dragonborn asks where he is at, Lokis only knows that Hanric is currently in Skyrim. Lokis tells the Dragonborn to look for a Redgaurd called Delamon in the Ragged Flagon, he is a professional tracker. The Dragonborn can ask Lokis if he wants to join the Penitus Oculatus. Lokis will hesitate and say he would rather finish his studies under Frida, but the Dragonborn will say that if Lokis is going to help him, he would be safer with the Penitus Oculatus. Lokis will then accept the Dragonborn's offer. Once the quest is complete the Dragonborn will be able to learn alchemy from Lokis as Novice teacher.


2. Delamon the Manhunter

Delamon can be found at the Ragged Flagon in Riften. After the Dragonborn recruits Lokis he will talk to the Dragonborn. He is willing to help the Dragonborn track Hanric and members of the Dark Brotherhood if he does him a favor. All the Dragonborn has to retrieve his sword from a Bandit Chief he's been hunting these past few weeks. After the simple task is done, and the Dragonborn returns to the Ragged Flagon Delamon will have a paper in his hands. Delemon will tell the Dragonborn that all of his two best contacts were killed by the Dark Brotherhood, and they treaten his life as well. Delamon will join Pentius Oculatus when the Dragonborn asks. He recommends looking at the Gray Quarter in Windhelm for potential merchants. He says "If I'm going to hunt down someone who doesn't want to be found I need intelligence from the some shady friends. Check the Grey Quarter in Windhelm for merchants who aren't afraid to stick their hands in some mud."


3. Sheryne the Merchant

Sheryne Vellu is a potential recruit for the Pentius Oculatus. She is a Dark Elf that has her own market stand in the Grey Quarter. She will sell the Dragonborn general goods items before recruitment. Her buisness hours are between 8:00am to 8:00 pm, from 8:01 pm to 9:30pm she will wander the Grey Quarter occasionally badmouthing Rolff Stone-Fist. From 9:31pm to 7:59am she will retire to the New Gnisis Cornerclub. when "Recruiting Manhunters" quest starts she say, "You seem reliable, perhaps you can do me a favor". Sheryne wants the Dragonborn to steal a locket from the Falkreath prison. A "Friend" of hers was mysteriously assassinated last Hearthfire, and he was carrying a locket she doesn't want the guards to keep. The Dragonborn will steal the locket, but will always get caught by a "Captian Henrillus" He will attempt to arrest the Dragonborn, but will recognize him as the man/woman who supposedly destroyed the Dark Brotherhood. He will blame the Dragonborn for the death of his brother Alain. The Dragonborn explains that he and Estsha are trying to finish off what remains of the Dark Brotherhood. Captain Henrillus then tells the Dragonborn to meet him in Raldbthar or he will arrest lock up the Dragonborn for the rest of his/her life. When the Dragonborn returns the locket to Sheryne. She will offer the Dragonborn a reward, but he Dragonborn returns with the offer to join the Penitius Oculatus, she will accept.


4. Captain Henrillus the Warrior

After the Dragonborn promises to meet Captain Henrillus at Raldbar, Henrillus will be beside Alain with a bolt from the large Dwemer crossbow. Three bandit corpses are in the room with Alain.Henrillus wants the Dragonborn to investigate the murder scene. The Dragonborn deduces that Alain was killed without conflict while the bandits guarding him were confronted. Traces of frostbite venom can be found in the bandits bodies and a severed frostbite spider leg can be found in the dungeon. A pipe is opened and the conclusion is made that someone small snuck in the pipes to kill Alain. Henrillus is impressed by the Dragonborn's detective skill and voulenteers himself and his wife to join Penitius Oculatus.


5. Ingred the Archer

She joins Penitius Oculatus when the Dragonborn recruits Captain Henrillus. She is his wife.



Quest: "Voice of Darkness"

Reward: Dominate Mind Spell-book

Edited by apacupotomus
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