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Problem: A texture/mesh from one mod to use in another


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I'll try to get as detailed with my problem as i can to avoid basic questions being asked back. Sorry for the length.


Ok, so I'm using Companion Neeshka right now and I love this mod. But, like alot of people using it, I want to change Neeshka's appearance. I've seen some killer screenshots of edited Neeshka Mods to that of Rens Mystic Elf and some nice custom hair styles. Ohh, I also have Beautiful People installed and enabled.


Ok, here's my series of problems and the steps I've taken to correct them.


-Attempt 1:

I downloaded the TES CONSTRUCTION SET v1.2 and checkmarked Beautiful people and Compansion Neeshka mods and activated the Neeshka plugin as the primary file. I found the correct NPC Neeshka file and proceeded to change her race to that of the Mystic Elf and used Rens Hair 17 and some glowing yellow eyes. After I saved the Neeshka file and loaded up my saved game where Neeshka was present, the game crashed on loading. I tried to do the same thing over and over but nothing worked and the game always crashed.


-Attempt 2:

I started with a Fresh Neeshka file overwrite and proceeded to edit just her face and hair color in the Construction Set. I saved the file and opened up my save file and Neeshka did have a different face and hair color.


-Attempt 3:

Knowing that what I've been doing in the previous attempt worked, I proceed to just make minor edits one at a time to find out where the file was corrupting at and causing the game to crash. I loaded up the file once again, attempted to change her hair to Rens Hair 17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/Raidr/LJcrap/Oblivion/Neeshakprob01.jpg



I then saved and loaded up my Saved File and now Neeshka had this Friar Tuk balding monk hair do.



When closed down and reopened the Construction Set, I got an error message that said something along the lines of. "Error loading: Rens Hair 17 could not be found. Continue anyways?" http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/Raidr/LJcrap/Oblivion/Neeshakprob02.jpg

I noticed the Neeshka hair style was set to NONE now and not Rens Hair 17 like I had saved previously. When I clicked to change it, Rens Hair 17 was on the pull down list.



Ok, from what I can gather, it seems the construction set is not reconizing the Pathes to the Ren files or anything else from the Beautfile People Mod thats loaded up with it. It sees them within its own construct but doesn't save the pathing to the files correctly. This is probably why my game was crashing in the first attempt because Oblivion couldn't reconize the path to the other race... thus crashing.

I've attempted to contact the owner of those modified Neeshka screenshots and I've even sent a PM to Rsdnt-Evle for help, but I've yet to get a response. Please help me if you know something that I've obviously overlooking. If I need to download another program to solve this pathing issue problem, any advice would help at this point. I've ran out of options for the time being.

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Does it work to open the Neeshka plugin, and:


1) Create new hair and eyes, using the resources the relevant one in Ren's uses

2) Clone the Dark Elf race, remove all hair and eyes and add the ones that you just created

3) Assign the copied race to Neeshka, and select the hair and eyes you added




NOTE: This could cause problems with custom dialogue, if such exists, depending how said dialogue is set up.


EDIT: By the way, where did you find a v1.2 Construction set? Is that the updated one promised for Shivering Isles?

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Yes, and I heard it can be buggy.


It IS, however, capable of merging mods.


Did you try merging Neeshka with Beautiful people using the new CS or Tes4Gecko? That should guarantee compatibility between them.


Otherwise something that adds non-default hair and eyes will be overwritten by Beautiful People if it's below it in the load order, which is probably what keeps causing the errors. Appearance mods are seldom compatible with each other when both affect hair and eyes.


I use merging to increase mod compatibility all the time.

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  SickleYield said:
Yes, and I heard it can be buggy.


It IS, however, capable of merging mods.


Did you try merging Neeshka with Beautiful people using the new CS or Tes4Gecko? That should guarantee compatibility between them.


Otherwise something that adds non-default hair and eyes will be overwritten by Beautiful People if it's below it in the load order, which is probably what keeps causing the errors. Appearance mods are seldom compatible with each other when both affect hair and eyes.


I use merging to increase mod compatibility all the time.



Thanks for the tip on the TES4Gecko.. took a bit of a learning curve to get the blasted thing working but... I have good news and bad news. Apparently, by combining the two files Beautiful People and Neeshka.. it caused my saved game files not to work. The good news is, Neeshka works fine and dandy as a Mystic Elf with Red Hair.


Thank god my main character is a Dark elf with almost no mods to him whatsoever. he's compatable with the new combine plugin... sadly my other Mystic Elf's and saved games that had something on them from the previous separated saved game files all turn up glitched BIG Time.




its a bitter sweet victory so I'm not complaining

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Do you have Wrye Bash? It can be used to change a savegame's dependency from the two old plugins to the new merged one. Very handy feature that I've also found quite useful in preventing such bugs.


Make sure you don't have the two old ones still active, too. I'm sure you did that, but just because I'm a nag. ;)

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