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How to sort overwritten files with mod organizer?


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Since NMM started bitching with me i unistalled all mods and reinstalled skyrim, so i downloaded most mods back with MO, i am doing fine with it, but i cannot choose which files i want overwritten, like in NMM, because i like using a lot of animation mods, but, for example, i like the idle animation of one and the running of other, is there anyway to set which one i choose from MO, i know how to do it manually, but it would be far better to use MO to do it directly.

Btw as far as i know, MO can only overwrite an entire mod, not a couple files

Edited by Dodsa
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I'm not sure I'm understanding your problem. But let me take a stab at it.


Here's what I think your problem is: you's installed Animation Replacer 1 (AR1) and Animation Replacer 2 (AR2) because you like some anims from each. Now, however, if you rearrange the install order (the order they're listed in on the lefthand side of MO) you either get all the animations from AR2 (if it's lower than AR1) or AR1 (if it's lower than AR2)?


Now if that's your problem, you're going to have to do some manual editing. Here are your options:


1. When you install your mods you can do it manually and only install the animations you want (If the mod comes with an installer--as many of the big animation mods do--you can use that too. All that matters is that you've installed only the animations your want).

1A. You may only need to do this with the second mod you install. If the only animations from, e.g., AR1 that you don't want to use are ones that AR2 will overwrite, you can install everything from AR1 and only the ones from AR2 that you want. This may make things much easier if you have one animation replacer with an installer.


2. If you don't want to uninstall the mods you've already installed, you need to find the animations that you don't want to overwrite and delete all the conflicting files. (This can be found by right clicking on the overwritten file and selecting the conflicts tab. That will show you a list of which files are being overwritten.)


3. Alternatively, you can copy all the files you don't want to be overwritten into a new folder--MAKE SURE TO MAINTAIN THE FILE STRUCTURE--and place that folder in your ModOrganizer/Mods folder. Then make sure that the new folder is located below all other animations folders in the left pane.



Does that help? As I said, I may be misunderstanding you, so correct me if I have.

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And, btw, MO definitely can overwrite only a couple of files if that wasn't clear from my reply. MO gives you much more control than NMM though that sometimes comes at the cost of user-friendliness.

Edited by RS13
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