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Need Some one to texture and Model!!!!

Sparkyspike 2007

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I'm Making a radio or music player for Oblivian but i am totaly stupid with texturing and modeling.

Is there some one who can make me a texture and a model of a radio/JukeBox/RecordPlayer?Help wil be apriciated ( see I can't even spell!!) If you kind enough to do that for me please send it to [email protected]! Apriciated.

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OK I'm going to make a quest wich on completing you wil get some cool items and the key to a house (or somthing like that) with some more cool items and a radio/JukeBox/Record player inside, sadly i,m likely to die of old age soon if no one is going to help me with a model and texture!!!
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OK I'm going to make a quest wich on completing you wil get some cool items and the key to a house (or somthing like that) with some more cool items and a radio/JukeBox/Record player inside, sadly i,m likely to die of old age soon if no one is going to help me with a model and texture!!!


I can make a texture, and I think I have somebody that would be more than happy making a mesh for it. I'd have to get back to you about the mesh when he replies to me. Or, perhaps, he may post here himself. If he cannot make the mesh, I will still be willing to texture somebody else's mesh.


OK I'm going to make a quest wich on completing you wil get some cool items and the key to a house (or somthing like that) with some more cool items and a radio/JukeBox/Record player inside, sadly i,m likely to die of old age soon if no one is going to help me with a model and texture!!!


I can make a texture, and I think I have somebody that would be more than happy making a mesh for it. I'd have to get back to you about the mesh when he replies to me. Or, perhaps, he may post here himself. If he cannot make the mesh, I will still be willing to texture somebody else's mesh.


Well, he said he didn't want to make a mesh for it. Sorry.


EDIT: Merged your posts. Don't double post please.


- Switch

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