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Stonecrest City mod, Frozen Island quest.


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The Stonecrest Gouvernement is create now!


Lord Bormir : Nord male, Leader of Stonecrest City and Bormir Clan. Level 50, he is skill in one handed weapon. Plan to be part of the city's main Quest, he is also quest giver.






Greira : Nord Female, Wife of Bormir, member of Bormir Clan, Plan to be part of the city's main Quest. Skill in Destruction.




Asciene : Female WoofElf, Steward of Bormir, member of Bormir Clan, Plan to be part of the city's main quest. Skill in range weapon.




Maergl : Male Nord , Falkreath represantative in Stonecrest City, his job is to make sure that the city follow the rules of Falkreath Hold. Plan to be part of the city's main quest. Skill in one handed weapon.




Ergnin and Imsine : Female and Male Nord Child, children of Bormir and Greira. They will look diferrant when I will make them Standlone.



Other Pictures




Edited by BeauMath
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Looks really nice and well thought out. Would like to see some more clutter in the outside areas. just little homely touches, maybe some more plants along the esdges of paths, small rocks etc. Nothing overkill but just something to dress it up a little.

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All faces set are ready to be match with with to npcs left do be made, The mod is scheduled to be releast in one week.


See other pictures : http://i.imgur.com/ueJxTM4.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/BM1QtCx.jpg

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History: Stonecrest has a long standing history of being a mining town under the influence of the Bormir Clan who are specialized in providing weapons and security to whomever has the deepest pockets in Skyrim.


So if you have the coin, they will provide the manpower!

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Stonecrest gouvernement and Bormir's familly:


Lord Bormir : Nord male, Leader of Stonecrest City and Bormir Clan. Level 50, he is skill in one handed weapon. Plan to be part of the city's main Quest, he is also quest giver. See the previous topic to see his history.



Greira : Nord Female, Wife of Bormir, member of Bormir Clan, Plan to be part of the city's main Quest. Skill in Destruction. Level 50.



Ergnin and Imsine : Female and Male Nord Child, children of Bormir and Greira.




Maergl : Male Nord , Falkreath represantative in Stonecrest City, his job is to make sure that the city follow the rules of Falkreath Hold. Plan to be part of the city's main quest. Skill in one handed weapon. Level 30



Asciene : Female WoofElf, Steward of Bormir, member of Bormir Clan, Plan to be part of the city's main quest. Skill in range weapon. Level 36



Sorink : Male Redguard, Housecard of Bormir, member of Bormir and owner of the Sorink's House. Skill in one handed weapon. Level 50


Edited by BeauMath
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4 followers, all members or Bormir Clan and the will level up with the player :


1 - Ulfgard The Seal : Nord male, son of Glatho and Valinna. Still in two handed weapon.



2 - Fistirne : Female HighElf, Skill in magic spell minus illusion. Live in Sorink's House



3 - Hulgar The Serpent-Tongue, Male Nord, Skill in destruction and one handed. Live in the Eigma<s general Goods, best friend of Eigma.



4 - Hjotra, Nord female , daugther of Glatho and Valinna, Skill in One handed



Merchants :


Glatho: Nord blacksmith and owner of the Glatho's house, he is also a trainer in smithing. Sell weapons, armors an ressources.



Valinna: Nord female merket marchant, she sell general goods, wife of Glatho.



Okurasha : Female Argonian inn keeper in the Strong Man Inn



Eigma: a nord Female merchant and owner of the Eigma's General Goods shop. You know wath she sell.


Edited by BeauMath
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