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My Mod Question (s) Thread


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Hi all and thanks for looking in.


ReDragon here, former forumite and returning FO player.


I thought to start this thread as a place I could ask some questions as I go through the process of sorting which mods I wanted to download for FO3 rather than spamming the board with multiple threads with single questions.


I remember most of the basics of modding, I used to mod for myself back in the day, and released a single mod player home for NV.


Since I live in rural Australia, I don't have decent internet speeds, so my downloading usually takes place as I can, and I'm working down from the top of the catergories.


Anyway, onto the questions, thanks in advance.





Type3 Armor Replacers by Exeter, in the files section, the short description says "Full release. All armors and outfits with fixes combined in a single file. " dated 20th June 2010, than under this are 5 updates dated after the first one which says all fixes combined.


So basically, does anyone know if the updates are needed to be downloaded seperatly or not?


Also there is a FOV patch, what is FOV?




Thanks for any help.




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