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Alchemy: Known Ingredients for Potion


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My hope is that I could look for an effect(potion) and be shown what I need to gather to make that potion based on what I have discovered. i.e.: Not a full list of all ingredients from the beginning.


I'd love it if the crafting menu showed effects(potions) that I both Can and Cannot currently brew, but which I have discovered the ingredient for.


And most importantly: Selecting any effect(potion) in that list should show Ingredients that I have discovered can make a potion for that effect.


As it stands, it only shows ingredients that I have in my inventory.


An awesome immersive effect would be to add something like http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51077/, but which only shows effects/ingredients discovered.


Long-story short: Why do I have to have an ingredient directly in my inventory to review effects.

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