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improved favorites (no, not categories...)


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This mod would change the favorites menu to behave more like a weapon wheel where you simply hold the button, mouse over your selection, and release; infinitely faster than the current method. this would drastically reduce the time spent in the favorites menu and reduce 10 hotkeys down to 2 (one for left hand, one for right), while giving you greater access to your abilities. it would basically give you 2 menus, one for left hand, one for right hand, shouts could be accessed from either side, you could even have the option to auto-cast the selected ability. once youre done, just tap the button again and it would switch back to your weapon or shield. the menus would be less bloated because theres 2 of them. you could still have hotkeys for pots and such. you could even have 3 menus (LH, RH, shouts). that would be perfect because you have the z,x, and c keys sitting, essentially unused

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