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The Age of Decadence, Wasteland 2 Director's Cut or Sword Coast Legends?


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Seems that PC gaming forum has fallen into everything but talking about PC games that do not exist in Nexus (I'm seeing a lot of modding questions rather that discussion on games that do not have mods on the nexus) I am posing the most important question here. Which latest RPG game should I get when the sales come! I'll post trailers so you can help in unpacking the world's most difficult question since who shot Mr Burns!


The Age of Decadence




Wasteland 2 Director's Cut



Sword Coast Legends



Three serious RPGs, one clear winner

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Age of Decadence seems decent, tho I haven't got into it myself yet. I wouldn't touch Sword Coast Legends if you are looking for RPG. My friend got it and we both couldn't stand it... it's more of a Diablo style with party than brand new NWN we were waiting for, D&D is absent...


Now with Wasteland 2 I had TONS of fun, finshed twice original, and looking foward to make another run in updated DC version. If you hunger for post-apocalyptic RPG, go for it, but I warn you, after that game you may never be able to touch FO3/NV/FO4 again.


If you're looking for really good (I'd say THE BEST) fantasy cRPG, Pillars of Eternity is a way to go. Also if you haven't reached out for Shadowrun universe and the latest games, those are REALLY good RPGs (SRR/SR-DF/SR-HK).

Edited by Signette
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I already have Shadowrun, PoE and Divinity: Original Sin, hence why asked the question. I didn't heard good things for Sword Coast Legends, shame cause I really wanted another good D&D game.

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