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Heavily Modded FNV Install Order(Not Load Order)


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I have finished FO3 without a single mod. On my first playthrough in FNV i decided to heavily mod the game. I've downloaded many mods and prepared them in FMM to install. But many mods overwrites other mod files. I have some questions i hope you can help me?


1-) Can you help me to sort the install order so everything will be in order and get the best and lore friendly textures?


2-) I have 3 big texture mods. NMCs, Ojo Bueno and Textures Over Time. Which one to install first? To overwrite or not overwrite? Strangely, Ojo Bueno seems to overwrite its own textures.


3-) There is also work to make EVE, WRP, WMX, Weapon Animaton Replacer, Project Nevada together. Total mess for me. Some of them seems to overwrite Menu and UI files too? Is this a problem?


4-) Do you suggest Quest, NPC mods and AWOP on a first-time play?


5-) Do you suggest body replacer mods? A lot of retexture mods seem to use them. But if i install them will they be incompatable with vanilla armors?


My mods:


ADAM Complete v4.1 3rd
ADAM Complete v4.1 3rd - Project Nevada Patch
Afterschool Special Version v2.01
Alternative Repairing v2.3 - FOMOD
Ammo Ingredients As Loot
Better Smoke and Ballistics
Bottle That Water v1.05
Burning Campfire v3.0
CaBaL120 - The Book of Flesh - Creatures Retextures
CaBaL120 - The Book of Steel - Heavy Armor Retextures
Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul
Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul - Patch for Vanilla Male Body
CASM with MCM support
Cigarettes Replacements - Camel
Cigarettes Replacements - Lucky Strike Alternative
Custom Lighting Overlay v1.5
Delay DLC
DLC Weapon Integration
Dynavision 3
Electro-City - CompeletedWorkorders
Electro-City - Darker Nights - Weather Mods Compability
EVE - Moveable Piles
EVE - Multiplas Rifle Fix
EVE v1.17
Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 2 v2.13
Flashlight NVSE - FOMOD
FPS Weapon Wheel
Hectrol Binocular Scope Deluxe HighRes Retex - Military Version
Hectrol Binocular Scope Deluxe HighRes Retex - Standard Version
Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex Evolution Pack - FOMOD
Hectrol FX Duststorm Deluxe HighRes Retex 4096
Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Mailbox Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Mini Nuke Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Mystic Chessboard Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Tumbleweed Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Vegas Sewer Deluxe HighRes Retex
Hectrol Vintage Radio Deluxe HighRes Retex
HiRes Skill Books
Improved Automatic Ironsight Animations v1.0
Improved LOD Noise Texture v1.0
Interior Lighting Overhaul v6.9 - FOMOD
Lutana NVSE Plugin
Macintroll Feral Ghouls Hires Retexture
Macintroll Ghouls HiRes Retexture
Macintroll Securitron HiRes Retexture
Macintroll Vault 22 Flora Overhaul Alpha 1-1
Macintroll Wasteland Clothing HiRes Retexture v1-3
Macintroll Wasteland Clothing HiRes Retexture v1-3 Powdergang Fix
Magazine Redux
Manual Reload v2.1
MCM Bugfix
MGs Neat Clutter Retexture Pack
MGs Neat Clutter Retexture Pack - Moraelins Machete Improved
MGs Neat Clutter Retexture Pack - Ojo Friendly Pack
Misc Item Icons
Missing Ammo Recipes v1.32
Mojave Nights - FOMOD
Money Retex
NCR Trooper Overhaul 7_2
NCR Trooper Overhaul 7_2 - Sapper Leg Fix
NCR Trooper Overhaul 7_2 - Vanilla Body Patch
Nevada Skies
NMCs Texture - Large and Medium Pack - Washed Out Wasteland
NMCs Textures - 16-9 Ratio Main Screen Fix
NMCs Textures - Large Pack - Part 1
NMCs Textures - Large Pack - Part 2
NMCs Textures - Large Pack - Part 3
NMCs Textures - Large Pack - Patches
No Peep Sight For Cowboy Repeater
NVEC - Bugfixes v3.4c
NVInteriors - Combo Edition v1.3.7
NVInteriors - Combo Tweaks DLC v1.1
NVInteriors - Core v2.0.7
NVInteriors - NMC Compatibility Patch Large v1.2
Ojo Bueno Architecture V2
Ojo Bueno Architecture V2 - Novac Motel
Ojo Bueno Autobody V2
Ojo Bueno Environmental V1
Ojo Bueno Objects Skeleton Transparency Fix
Ojo Bueno Objects V1
Ojo Bueno Roadways V3b
Ojo Bueno Securitron V1
Ojo Bueno Sidewalks V1
Portable Campsite v1.0.2
Preorder Weapon Fixes Complete v1.2
Pre-War Money - Dirty and Burnt
Project Nevada - DLC Support 1.3 - FOMOD
Project Nevada - EVE Support 1.2 - FOMOD
Project Nevada - Extra Options 1.3 - FOMOD
Project Nevada - WMX Support 1.3 - FOMOD
Project Nevada 2.5 - FOMOD
Quick Trade
Quicker Pip-Boy Light
Retextured Labels - Food - Abraxo - Detergent
Ride of the WalkED
SmoothLight - Pip-Boy Light Enhancer
Tau34RUS - Improved Cyberdogs Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures v.1.5
Tau34RUS - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures v.1.5 - GatlingLaser For EVE Replacer
Tau34RUS - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures v.1.5 - Tesla Weapons 4k Patch For WMX Mod
Tau34RUS - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures v.1.5 - WMX Texture Replacer
Tau34RUS - Improved LR Robots Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved Main Robots Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved Military Cyberdog Camouflage Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved OWB Robot Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved Rex Textures
Tau34RUS - Improved Rex Textures - No Glow
Tau34RUS - Improved Robots Textures - Lore Patch - No Rust Texture
Textures Over Time - Corrected RCAC LOD Textures
Textures Over Time - FlagStoneWalls
Textures Over Time - HH_Sandstone
Textures Over Time - Optional Cement and Concrete Textures
Textures Over Time - RocksCliffsAndCanyonsV1_2
Textures Over Time - Sandbags
Textures Over Time - Urban Rubble Piles
The Weapon Mod Menu v1.2 - FOMOD
True Leaning
UI - DarnifiedUI - NV
UI - Grenade Hotkey
UI - oHUD - Darnified Patch
UI - User Interface Organizer
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Dead Version
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Dead Version Update
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - LOD Patch For NMC
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - LOD Patch For NMC - Washed Out Wasteland
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - LOD Patch For POCO and OJO BUENO
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - LOD Patch For Textures Over Time
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - No Antialiasing and Multisampling Patch
Weapon Animation Replacer - FOMOD
Weapon Animation Replacer - Source
Weapon Retexture Project
Weapon Retexture Project - Christine Unique COS Rifle
Weapon Retexture Project - Gun Runners Arsenal Patch V2
Weapon Retexture Project - Update - New 12_7mm SMG
WMX - DLC v1.0.1 - FOMOD
WMX - EVE Compatibility v1.0.9 - FOMOD
WMX - Modern Weapons v1.0.7
WMX - WRP Compatibility v.1.2.3
WMX v1.1.3


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  • 3 years later...

Realized that it has been what, 4 years since you posted this, but since you have not stated whether you've resolved it or not, might as well give it a shot.


1. Use LOOT.


2. Don't know. Never used them. If it's just minor details, I can't be really bothered with it. I like to focus on the atmosphere part of my game (turn it into Dark Souls), and the action part (zweihander, AK47, a f***ing bolt action deathclaw ncr ranger raping shotgun, and a s*** ton of IWS npcs coming to taste the bass cannon), some glorification of the best faction (CNR turns the legion into a proper superpower), and new areas. If you pick the right enb, it can conjure a pretty damn fine imagery. Check out my images in my profile if you don't believe me. But if you insist on using the texture mods, then pick only one.


3. Install Project Nevada first, then the others.


4. NPC overhaul mods for a first time play. The characters looks ugly, and that would seriously dampen the ardor of your play. I suggest getting the mannequin race replacer thingy. That one's really good, and is essential in every playthrough I make. Sure near all the female characters will look like anime girls, but that's a damn good thing if you ask me. FCO is good, but I prefer a realistic anime (something like Berserk) look all and all. Depends on the quest. If its a legion based quest, then stick it in. The best faction in the game is sadly undeveloped. Adding quest for them would make them as glorious as they should be. If story quests, then I would suggest saving it for later. Those like Death's Last Whisper and The Empire Wasteland is best experienced later. AWOP is best added later. That mods add hours more of content (I'm talking like a hundred hours of content), and you might be burned out of exploring everything. In any case, New Vegas is not like Skyrim. With Skyrim, you must play modded, even if its your first time. The game just feels pretty damn dull. New Vegas however is not that. But do whatever you want. You're your own boss.


5. Depends on the armour you want really. I play a Moonshadow female legion vampire courier, so I use Type 6 as most of the armours I want is in Type 6. If you're worried about incompatibilities, use body compatibility mods. They'd fix it. I never had the need to use it, so I can't really confirm on that. Most armours just worked fine for me.


If none of these advises are helping you, then I'm sorry. These are the best I can come up with.

Edited by rex10125
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