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Are Followers a big part of your Skyrim experience?


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I prefer the ranger/stealth approach, having followers forces me into straight forward hack n slash more than i want it to. In saying that i dont mind sometimes, but its at the best of times they stuff me over.

More than once, I've finished a fight from range, only to find Lydia dead..........Well, there's only one way that can happen.

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OK, I am completely revising my game. I'm removing a bunch of different mods, grabbing some different ones that will make my game even more difficult. This is with the intent to run with multiple followers at a time. I'm going to try Vilja and Inigo together and see if this changes things for me. I've always felt running with more than one follower was overpowered.....especially when I have been playing they type of character who snipes. 1-2 shot kills from (very long) range.....I'd been using the Scoped Bow mod. I think I will try mods like SOT and Genesis along with others like Deadly Dragons....etc. And go the warrior path. bring a healer and all that....

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I just started a SoT playthrough with genesis myself, only got to spend 10 hours or so on it because ive had to run back to my other save and fix the big mess win10 and its arch nemesis creation kits made for me after compiling 1 single script. I went for ultimate dragons though, dd was over the top lol. Then theres dco if you never want to win.
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I just started a SoT playthrough with genesis myself, only got to spend 10 hours or so on it because ive had to run back to my other save and fix the big mess win10 and its arch nemesis creation kits made for me after compiling 1 single script. I went for ultimate dragons though, dd was over the top lol. Then theres dco if you never want to win.

I don't use DCO. If I get knocked back during the animation sequence of getting up from the previous knock back, it will permanently break by camera view and I'll never get control back,

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No, they get in the way, screw up balancing, and become generally annoying pretty fast. Stealth is basically unplayable with followers (yes there is the aft feature but that essentially mimicks you not having a follower until stealth is broken so...). Magic/projectile based combat is a nightmare with them getting in the line of fire. I don't need a packrat. I use all kinds of pouches mods for that. And even if I wasn't using those, I'd much rather console my carryweight than having to deal with followers.


Every once in a while I try using a follower to try and comprehend why everyone is so excited about them only to regret my choice minutes later.

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Now that i think of it, and while i own all these titles and dlc and havent spent much time at all playing them, the only games i actually appreciated followers was the dragon age games. I only ever played so much of the first title, and i really liked them characters you get first up (the morphing chick and the warrior dude and the healer girl, lol). Still havent played Inquisition despite having spent 100 on it with dlcs XD
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It seems like a lot of what you guys are saying is confirming a hypothesis I was having about why people like companions. I don't think people like companions for the sake of them following you around, that seems to be more of a down side than a draw to downloading a mod like that.


It seems a lot of people like companions for the sake of having more interesting characters in the game. More characters with personality to make your 7th or 8th play through of the game have some new flavor to it. Kind of like if you were tired of eating the same food all the time you try adding hot sauce to it, not because hot sauce tastes that great, but because you wanted to mix things up.


I have always thought the draw to having a companion was more about having commentary on how you are playing the game, someone to react to the stuff you do.




So basically, I've been playing around with some ideas in my head about having companion like characters that don't exactly follow you into battle and how I could make that work. I think the Workshop Settlements in Fallout 4 are going to open up a lot of opportunity to create something like that, but we will have to wait 19 more days to see.




So, if you have any ideas on this sort of thing, I would be happy to listen.

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Followers are pretty horrible as far as gameplay goes. They charge your enemies while you try to sneak, stand in your line of fire, and are never around when you need them. But what can I say? They're good for roleplaying purposes. Not every character is the solitary type, and I've found that the right/wrong followers can make/break a playthrough. For example, I was having a boring time playing an orcish warrior up until she met Borghak and I realised they were destined to be Ugly!Xena and Ugly!Gabriella, and my Big Mean Bully character wasn't nearly as authentic until she got her little entourage of cronies to gang up on stormcloak nerds.

Meanwhile, my thief character's "I'm too edgy for teamwork" persona got a lot more real after his attempt at travelling with Brynjolf (supposedly one of the best thieves in Skyrim) immediately descended to a disastrous pattern of Brynjolf f***ing everything up and Edgy Thief having to sacrifice The Plan in order to save him.


In all those cases, who your character chooses to associate with a (or not associate with) heavily defines who they are as characters.

As for dialogue... yes, it's limited, but eh, it's for the best. Interpersonal relationships are complex, capricious things which cannot be adequately replicated by NPC dialogue trees. I'd prefer rich, colorful conversations that only exist inside my head as opposed to linear, scripted conversations that happen in game. If you're really in the habit of mentally embellishing, then suddenly every one-line wonder in Skyrim has potential to be a deep and fascinating character.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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Followers with a high AI and options for attacking or not can be the difference between successful sneak or not. Since those like Vilja and Inigo level up with you and also make use of a muffling spell for the group (Vilja) and can be equipped with Dragonborn smithed and enchanted sneaky boots, I can tip toe around a horde of bandits together with them. I also do as SBM92 said and frequently leave my followers at the cave or dungeon entrance (especially when I am trying to accrue points). No one can be as sneaky as a lone Dragonborn, but then solo can feel lonely if prolonged.


Zora Fair-Child from the INPCs mod has the cutest voice and Rumarin from the same mod is a barrel of laughs, just like Inigo. With Inigo and Vilja, it is like conversing in a multi-player, but with a much more intelligent level of conversation.

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