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Xbox 360


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No. Only the official ones, and you have to pay for those. If your PC can handle it, I recommend buying the PC version. Lower quality graphics plus mods (for a low end machine. If it's high end you could even go beyond Xbox quality) is much better than high quality graphics without.
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  • 2 years later...
We answer this question several times a week. NO. The free Mods here will not work on the 360, or any other console. Why? because the console makers don't want you to have free content. They have locked mod makers out.
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But I was thinking about the new system, Windows 7.


It will have a live connection with your Microsoft products like the Xbox and you can transfer stuff between them.


Wouldn't that give some opening for possible mods on Xbox360?


I mean, as long as there is a connection there should at least be SOME possibilities?

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Pfft, you'll be allowed to transfer saved games and the content of "My Documents" at best. All of that in a heavy limited - although very pretty - environment.


It's like hoping that the national bank would let you into the server room. I mean yeah! They would... if you agreed to have a bomb implanted into your body.

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Computer-X_Box 360 modding is a very delecate process requiring the ability to convert pc data onto an X-Box disc and installing similar to the disc of shivering isles. I know a person who does that to his X-Box copy, but I don`t know where to get the kind of tools you need, it`s probably the same tools that X-Box Game creators used to put the game on an X_Box in the first place. Look around, I`m sure sombody will give you better info than mine. I just no it`s possible.


Good Luck :thumbsup:

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SO ihateregisteringeverywhere...


I guess it isn't as impossible to go into a bank and make them open the vault without a bomb after all, LOL


Well, now we know there is at least SOME way to get the mods inn..

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