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Doctor Who...


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Heh. I would have to say my favorite of the Eleven Doctors is . . . well, the Eleventh Doctor. Matt Smith plays him beautifully, and is the one who actually got me into watching Doctor Who . . . Last night's premiere was awesome! Heh. Silents are awesome enemies, though I'd have to say the Weeping Angels are the scariest of the ones I've seen.
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Well my favorite doctor would have to be a tie between the Ninth and Tenth (Eccleston and Tennant), I guess Tennant would win, but Eccleston is close cause he was my first doctor...... Unfortunately, being in America, the only way i can watch the Doctor is online now... So i can not really comment on the Eleventh doctor just yet.


Though my favorite creature would have to be the Face of Boe

Edited by G33k3dGam3r
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