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Skyrim NPC Height Adjuster/Race Resizer.


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Hi everyone!


I was just wanting to know if anyone out there could make a very simple mod through SkyUI that will allow you to resize NPC'S and their races. I know there is mods like " Player Size Adjuster and First Person Camera Height Fix " or " Skyrim Sizes ", " Height Adjusted Races with True Giants " but they don't allow me to set my preferred height for the NPC's. I know the console command is there to adjust them but it's only one by one and not all at a time. For example, IMO, I think Orc Males should be around 1.1 and Orc Females around 1.05. I'm not skilled with CK so any help which allows me to change them through a menu like SkyUI would be awesome. Thanks for your time everyone.

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