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who is going to powerplay threw fallout 4?


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Does anyone plan to speed run it before they deside to take there time with the game and go threw everything: nick and coner, of this game?


Or do u plain to play many playthrews to find everything out about it?

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My first play through will be all about beating the game as soon as possible, so I have the needed information to continue work on my mod. I need to know how this story is going to go and what all I have to work with before I can take my writing to the next level. I want to finish the game by the weekend if I can.

I will still be doing my weekly Tuesday night swing dancing that I never miss, so the ladies won't miss me too much... Shame the game is released on a Tuesday...

But the guy at Gamestop told me they will be releasing the game at 10:00 Mohave Wasteland time on Monday, since that is Tuesday back on the East Coast. I just so happen to get off work at 10:00 on Mondays, and have asked my boss to get off 30 minutes early. So I plan on playing the game all night, sleeping all day, go swing dancing, then go to work on Wednesday before I have the entire day off on Thursday to hopefully finish the game. I don't work until 3:00 pm Friday, Mohave Wasteland time.

I am hoping to publicly announce my mod between November 14th-17th, but I have to finish Fallout 4 before I can do that.

After that I will play a longer playthrough of the game with my notebook out, just taking my time and writing dialogue as I go, exploring every last area and planning mod stuff as I go.

Making stuff for my mod is my number one concern.

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My method favors thorough exploration to memorize all the skillbook locations, bobbleheads, etc; and then I typically have my stuff together to have a fun run through the entire game. I try to avoid speed-running it unless its a 3-4th play-through. Ultimately, I like to see how 'legit' powerful I can get in this game on my own terms.

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My method favors thorough exploration to memorize all the skillbook locations, bobbleheads, etc; and then I typically have my stuff together to have a fun run through the entire game. I try to avoid speed-running it unless its a 3-4th play-through. Ultimately, I like to see how 'legit' powerful I can get in this game on my own terms.


If you take modding out of the equation, I have always been the type of gamer to sit back and gather up my skills, strength, forces, supplies, or whatever the valuable assets in any particular game are.


When I play games like Total War or Civilization, I am the guy that sits back and doesn't fight anyone while I spend my time researching better tech, because I find great pleasure in being the pacifist that accumulates the most powerful forces in the game, and then becomes unstoppable.


Normally I would play games in that manner, and I would have so many weapons and skills accumulated by the end of Fallout, that the last quests would seem too monumentally easy.



But modding comes first to me, and I want to have my mod released as soon as possible. So that means playing through Fallout 4 in less than a week.

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Ah... "Turtling" is the term, pity few RTS games favor it. Alas, you are speaking to another turtle player. For those old Age of Empires games I was bad to spam monks and build a giant freaking wall to bottleneck the AI player into spawning endless waves of knights and war elephants against me, slowly converting them all, until I had like 500/60 population. Then it became a total one sided slaughter. XD


That old saying, "A good defense is a good offense," no no no, "A good defense is a s#*! ton of castles with lots of knights.

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