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Disney Princess CM Partners


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Sorry for making so many threads in such a short period of time but I'm just full of ideas. Anyways I didn't see anything in the rules that prohibits mods based on characters that may be tied to a copyright or trademark unless it's original content from other modders, I was wondering if anyone could make a couple of outfits and CM Partners based on Disney Princesses such as Jasmine and Belle. It might be fun going on adventures with them or using romance mods with them.

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Disney is well known for being insanely possessive of their assets, and have spent millions lobbying the US congress to make copyright laws more stringent. They are the people directly responsible for getting the 75 year copyright law passed. And are now trying to get that extended to an even longer time. If a mod looks too much like a Disney asset, they WILL go after you, even if you don't directly copy of rip it.

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Disney is well known for being insanely possessive of their assets, and have spent millions lobbying the US congress to make copyright laws more stringent. They are the people directly responsible for getting the 75 year copyright law passed. And are now trying to get that extended to an even longer time. If a mod looks too much like a Disney asset, they WILL go after you, even if you don't directly copy of rip it.

So it's not an issue for Nexus if it's uploaded as the user who uploaded it would be the only one who gets in trouble?

Edited by Aromov
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Unfortunately, the lawyers tend to go after the site instead of the uploader, because we are a much bigger target, we are not hiding behind an ISP, and user-name and are seen as having money. Lawyers can be jerks when it comes to stuff like other peoples money.

However, as long as you are careful to not make it look too much like the actual Disney assets it will probably be allowed.


Disney even tried to sue Deadmau5 over his trademark - which is not likely to be mistaken for that Disney mouse. To make it even more fun, it seems that Disney infringed on some of Deadmou5 s music on one of their teen exploitation TV shows. Deadmau5 really didn't care until An overzealous Disney lawyer thought it would be a good idea to send object to the Deadmau5 logo. So now He is countersueing over their infringement of his music. :teehee:

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Unfortunately, the lawyers tend to go after the site instead of the uploader, because we are a much bigger target, we are not hiding behind an ISP, and user-name and are seen as having money. Lawyers can be jerks when it comes to stuff like other peoples money.

However, as long as you are careful to not make it look too much like the actual Disney assets it will probably be allowed.


Disney even tried to sue Deadmau5 over his trademark - which is not likely to be mistaken for that Disney mouse. To make it even more fun, it seems that Disney infringed on some of Deadmou5 s music on one of their teen exploitation TV shows. Deadmau5 really didn't care until An overzealous Disney lawyer thought it would be a good idea to send object to the Deadmau5 logo. So now He is countersueing over their infringement of his music. :teehee:

Okay I see. I would assume Disney doesn't own the rights to physical traits such as hair, outfits and accessories seen on characters unless they were all combined under one. Considering a potential loophole if I were to use Princess Jasmine as an example, a user could provide outfit designs that matches her under something called Arabian fashion and other users could work on a pack of hairstyles and jewelry that matches hers. I would assume users could easily use the construction set to generate a face that resembles her and I doubt sharing face variables for quick pasting would be an issue unless Disney is "that" obsessed .

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