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(request) less powerful magic for enemies


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first greetings to the community nexus, I had never played video games on pc, Skyrim is the first and you do not know what I'm surprised with the improvements that are made to the game with the variety of mods that can be found on this website.

having said that i want to request a little complement for my skyrim.

I am one of those players who like challenges and so I use some of the mods that increases the level of difficulty in enemy and dragons (Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies, Deadliest Dragons (Dragon Duels) for example) and I really like having these enemies intelligence, the only problem I find is that they have too magical power, no matter the armor that having put, the enchantment or the defense, one shoot of fire, ice or lightning from the enemie mages or dragon and instant death, the enemie spells are too powerful, I do not know if for this mods or maybe if vanilla game, It would be good to hold 2 shoot or maybe 3.
i search for a mod that lower the level of magic enemies, but it does not exist.

I found a formula that improves the damage taken by attacks (Improved Armor Formula) but dont know if are still feasible to use with recent skyrim updates, mods like perkus maximus, Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade, etc...?

Could someone be a good Samaritan and give me a help.

Edited by BlackFenix85
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