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Odd text trouble

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So, using Darnified UI, MCM, OneHUD, and UIO. Everything was working perfectly. Now however, I have no "floating" text in my Pipboy's map in either local or world view. I can still click a location to confirm where it is, but I get no information just by hovering my mouse over a location. What could this be? And is there an easy fix?


The only thing I can think of is during a large scale battle, the frame rate dropped to almost zero, which oddly enough continued through several zones. Not even restarting the game helped. After moving to a few different locations and talking to NPCs, the game went back to normal, but that's when I noticed I lost the text.


I'm sure a clean reinstall would fix everything, I'm just wondering what it could be. Since all the other text displays properly in HD.

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